Game of Thrones Season 8

I enjoyed it, but I can't help but feel like it's going to be 6 episodes of reunion scenes and character crossovers, weak and sudden arc conclusions followed by a large battle to end it. It's leaving me questioning why they took a year off.
I enjoyed it, but I can't help but feel like it's going to be 6 episodes of reunion scenes and character crossovers, weak and sudden arc conclusions followed by a large battle to end it. It's leaving me questioning why they took a year off.
battle of winterfell was apparently 55 night shoots :lol:
I don't know if anyone watched the inside the episode part after the show (at least, on HBO GO), but there was something interesting said by one of the producers. He said that "Jon Snow and Arya Stark are the two most important characters in the series".

Hmmm....I get Jon, but my favorite little killer? Nice.

Every time I listen to them I want to stab myself, I stopped watching those inside the episodes after season four. Maybe it was season five. They said Stannis was one of the main villains from the books.
Watch them have a zombie Stannis show up during the Battle of Winterfell for Brienne to have something to do.
I don't know if anyone watched the inside the episode part after the show (at least, on HBO GO), but there was something interesting said by one of the producers. He said that "Jon Snow and Arya Stark are the two most important characters in the series".

Hmmm....I get Jon, but my favorite little killer? Nice.

I hope she does something wild like murder Dany. Show needs to be spiced up.
They'll probably do something lame and have the Night King kill and turn Jon and then have Arya kill Jon.
or they go the WoW route where jon kills the night king and must become the new night king in order to keep the undead under control
probably bran after its revealed that the night king is actually bran from a thousand years ago and every 1000 years hes reborn and must warg into himself again and that's why they attack
they havent attacked in 8k years tho
bran the builder built the wall and became the night king
bran the cripple will also follow this destiny