This is for you Trump voters.

Im going to need some coloring books and play-doh to deal with all this corruption

"Tolerant" Educators Exile Trump Voters From Campus

Student Daniel Tancredi reported that the people who attended were “fearful” about the results of the election.
“For the most part, students just hung out and ate snacks and made small talk,” Tancredi told The College Fix. “Of course, that was in addition to coloring and playing with the animals.”

As the event took place, students — roughly 20 or so, according to the Sun’s video — wrote their reactions and emotions on poster boards with colored markers, or with chalk on the ground. A chilly day on the Ithaca campus, at one point the demonstrators huddled together as what appeared to be a barista brought them warm drinks. Several adults, most likely professors, stood around the group. The event appeared to take on the atmosphere of a funeral wake.

ben carson going to ruin education in this country

When CNN's Drew Griffin asked why he takes it when there is no proof that the product works, Carson said, "It may not. And all I say is that I take it and I almost never get sick anymore and I used to get sick a lot. So I like it."

but seriously...i don't care for ben carson either. nice enough guy ....... but not much else going for him. maybe let him be in charge of handing college kids their play dohhhhhhhh in college and administering nap time

for the rest of you......this is what white people deserve

finally gonna get someone who stands up for creation science in washington

Carson decried the Big Bang theory and asserted that Darwin's theory of evolution was "encouraged" by Satan.

god bless this gorgeous man
escaping dumb is hard to do

good thing not even big ben cant ruin education in what we call glorified day care today

we are all deniers of something
All I know about Piers Morgan is that he loves vaccines but not enough to let alex jones pay him a million dollars to get 1000 of them over two weeks.
I would also be disappointed if he didn't #lockherup and #draintheswamp
although I still don't understand what #drainstehswamp refers to :D
Swamps are important part of ecosystem, they not only clean drain waters but also provide a home for unique flora&fauna.
#savetheswamps !


Walt Disney drained the swamp and built the happiest place on earth*

*except for that kid that got gobbled up by an alligator