[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Trump winning essentially spun Kanye into a psychotic meltdown.

Its only been two weeks since the election and America is already starting to be awesome again.
Dave Chapelle doing comedy again is what i'll probably enjoy the most about the Trump presidency.
kanye mentioned #pizzagate at one of his concerts. he probably got a warning from the elites to cover it up by them handcuffing him in the ambulance and sending him to the hospital.

V on Twitter:
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:lol: Remember when reporters used to investigate accusations to disprove them. Now they just claim its false, take quotes from the accused, and call the accuser 'fake news' or conspiracy theorists. Read that NYT article if you want proof.

So relieving that the fuckhead msm is rapidly losing its power to brainwash idiots into an army against truth.
Trump Names Two Opponents of Net Neutrality to Oversee FCC Transition Team


Also seriously we pay too much for our healtcare in general- and did before Obamacare too. The culprits, as I could go on saying for millenia, are not the lazy fat fucks (how could they? no motivation lol) - it's the rich people on top pulling the levers and shit.

Trump has duped so many people. Everyone he is putting in positions is the same old establishment everyone thought they were avoiding.

There is zero reason to be against net neutrality, unless of course the big isp companies cut you a big check.
Trump has duped so many people. Everyone he is putting in positions is the same old establishment everyone thought they were avoiding.

He's not even president yet, how has he duped people?

What matters is not the people in the position, rather the policies he said he would pursue. So far as I can tell he's right on target. I don't see this dupage you speak of.
Trump has duped so many people. Everyone he is putting in positions is the same old establishment everyone thought they were avoiding.

There is zero reason to be against net neutrality, unless of course the big isp companies cut you a big check.

or you don't even know wtf it is (rage against regulation), or you're tele :heart:

I guess there's no getting off this corrupt merry-go-round if the anti-establishment candidate is just doing the same old stuff - but could he do much else? We can hope his promises of laws barring congress from becoming lobbyists for some time and term limits were to come true, but those were always going to be really unlikely since congress would have to lawmake against their own interests. and when has that ever happened
He's not even president yet, how has he duped people?

What matters is not the people in the position, rather the policies he said he would pursue. So far as I can tell he's right on target. I don't see this dupage you speak of.

Then - now

I'm gonna build a wall - well, maybe a fence (which was already started under Bush and abandoned because it was retarded)

I'm gonna repeal Obamacare - well, we'll keep the parts we like

I'm anti-establishment - the only people I can find is lobbyists

I'm going to bring in a special prosecutor for Hillary - that's not my main focus now

Watch his own interview on 60 minutes. He basically waffled at every direct question.
Someone will go after Hillary. If you watch the video from a page ago, he's going to...

Withdraw from the Tran Pacific Partnership
Cancel restrictions on American Energy (Coal)
Reduce regulations (2 deleted for every new one)
Protect America's infrastructure (internet)
Investigate Abuses of Visa programs
Ethics Reform - 5 year ban on lobbying

I think the Mexicans won't want to come here if they know they'll be sent back. I hope he builds the wall and makes Mexico pay for it like he said. Stopping the flood of Muslims is also big along with their stupid sanctuary cities.
none of those things he promise were ever feasible. If anyone ever thought he was going to build a wall their stupid. Did he exploit stupid voters with a nationalist campaign? Absolutely. Let's be happy he acknowledges that he can't actually do that shit. He's a big shit talker. If you read his books, he played the electorate like a fiddle. Everything from the negative publicity to his sensationalist promises are all part of his game. It worked.

I think its HILarious that people are clinging onto some weird hope that the electoral college is going to switch their votes and not put him in office, also that the left is creating so many false flag events and blaming them on trump getting elected. Bro, dude isn't even in office and you're protesting outside the whitehouse. You're just pissing off Barack and Michelle when they're trying to have dinner.
2 out 1 in will just make more complicated rules, enriching lawyers and lobbyists.
Ban on lobbying, so they will work for lobbying companies connecting the lobbyists with their former offices as consultants. Term limits are DOA, McTurtle won't move on them.

Get the money out, that will drain the swamp.

Stop the spice, then they will fall in line.
Also for the record:

-I did not vote Hillary. NYS laws ban voting booth selfies so you have to take my word for it. She was a terrible candidate and the shit she was caught with disqualified her to be president.

-I'm not one of these move to Canada whiners. I've been to Canada. No thanks. Trump won fair and square.

I still think Trump is an egotistical moron who will defer running this country to the GOP establishment, most notably the bible thumpers.