Iranian Women Defy Islamic Dress Code as Anti-Government Protests Sweep Nation

don't worry steve bannon is gonna primary his ass

bannon the barbarian is coming to rek it
Yeah, I don't understand the left.
Gays wanting Muslims to come here, when gays are killed in the middle east.
Feminists wanting Muslims to come here, when they must be covered up.
Want to wear a bikini in Iran, nope. Here's a page showing how people dress.
Summer for women: America, Iran, Turkey, Cannes! - - Kodoom

So hot.

Yeah I never got the muslim support. These are the same people that murder behead chop limbs off for thieving etc. Its like all the things the left logically hates but for some reason these huge populations of shitty people who do shitty things get a pass?

Fuck them.

This is a culture war we win by not being sniveling cowards and letting them invade, and then out breed us.
The actual Dem's in power don't give 2 shits about Mexicans or Islamic people. They see each one as a vote so they pander to it. Look at Hillary. Great example of someone who tried to pander too hard with no legit message and it burnt her. Just like Senior Soros or these other High Tech Presidents. Cheap labor..err I mean "we need more overseas talent"
Yeah, cheap labor when jobs are hard to find to begin with. Especially entry level jobs that are fit for those lacking appropriate education or even the ability to read and write. Robots and AI will soon take those jobs anyway. Also what Zomnivore said above.
im actually on ur side guys europes plunging birth rate will eventually take care of the european problem anyway
Yeah I never got the muslim support. These are the same people that murder behead chop limbs off for thieving etc. Its like all the things the left logically hates but for some reason these huge populations of shitty people who do shitty things get a pass?

Fuck them.

This is a culture war we win by not being sniveling cowards and letting them invade, and then out breed us.
Or you know, by recognizing that the extremists are a tiny minority, and encouraging the non-extremists to stand up for themselves and change the world around them to be less shit.

But fuck progress when we have superior firepower, right?
The storylines from many MSM outlets is so similar it almost seems coordinated and right on cue (thank you Hasbara).

1. Demonize the Iranian regime
2. Zomg protestors (always unverified) are dying from this repressive regime
we need to go in and save the people.
3. Sanctions aren't working. We need to "up our game" and "go in."

The Trump has already been busy working for Israel. The US has "de-certified" the deal with Iran, the US will impose harsher sanctions which won't work so the US will have to "go in." The template for faux escalation was already used successfully with Iraq and will work again.

This Pres is a narcistic mofo, he'll have a war if the only good thing is that it's the "greatest ever." And while some swamp may be drained - the (((neo cons))) won't be touched.

In sum, a propaganda approach to media coverage suggests a systematic and highly political dichotomization in news coverage based on serviceability to important domestic power interests. This should be observable in dichotomized choices of story and in the volume and quality of coverage… such dichotomization in the mass media is massive and systematic: not only are choices for publicity and suppression comprehensible in terms of system advantage, but the modes of handling favored and inconvenient materials (placement, tone, context, fullness of treatment) differ in ways that serve political ends.
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Or you know, by recognizing that the extremists are a tiny minority, and encouraging the non-extremists to stand up for themselves and change the world around them to be less shit.

But fuck progress when we have superior firepower, right?

You are kidding right?
Extreme or moderate, their entire culture and system of belief has no place in any modern Western society. Or any society for that matter.

And I do worry about that tiny percentage which works out somewhere in the millions. Governments love bending over and changing things for noisy 'minorities'.
Or you know, by recognizing that the extremists are a tiny minority, and encouraging the non-extremists to stand up for themselves and change the world around them to be less shit.

But fuck progress when we have superior firepower, right?
Whats extreme?

And what size is this minority?

Curious to hear your definitions.
Ya what % of USA pop is gay?


Avg American estimates at 25% because of over representation and loud minority pop. Now men can go in bathrooms w little girls.

Guess we may as well let Muslim shop owners cut off hands of shop lifters because we don’t want to oppress their religious freedoms

art of the explanation for the inaccurate estimates of the gay and lesbian population rests with Americans' general unfamiliarity with numbers and demography. Previous research has shown that Americans estimate that a third of the U.S. population is black, and believe almost three in 10 are Hispanic, more than twice what the actual percentages were as measured by the census at the time of the research. Americans with the highest levels of education make the lowest estimates of the gay and lesbian population, underscoring the assumption that part of the reason for the overestimate is a lack of exposure to demographic data. Still, the average estimate among those with postgraduate education is 15%, four times the actual rate. Younger Americans give higher estimates than those who are older, and women make significantly higher guesses of the gay and lesbian population than men do.

Americans Greatly Overestimate Percent Gay, Lesbian in U.S.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Yeah, cheap labor when jobs are hard to find to begin with. Especially entry level jobs that are fit for those lacking appropriate education or even the ability to read and write. Robots and AI will soon take those jobs anyway. Also what Zomnivore said above.

Its not even just entry level jobs. Everyone made fun of the min. wage crap job workers when the illegals took their jobs, then the skilled labor jobs like construction, masonry, etc started getting overrrun, and it started getting a little more serious, then it immigrants both legal and illegal started taking fairly 'low' jobs in the medical field that paid well that previously could be gotten with an associates, now require a bachelors...then it got a little more serious...and then those same people that were laughing at the entry level blue collar jobs started losing jobs to h1b visas, and now its not so funny any longer
Or you know, by recognizing that the extremists are a tiny minority, and encouraging the non-extremists to stand up for themselves and change the world around them to be less shit.

But fuck progress when we have superior firepower, right?

Yeah, you're going to get 'non-extremists' to stand up for themselves against their religious brethren. About like you would get a sibling to 'stand up' against a loudmouth brother.

Never going to happen.
Doens't matter if only a tiny fraction are fanatical. The Koran tells them to kill all who don't believe. Not every time, but some attacks kill thousands and inconvenience the innocent forever.

Before 09/11, I could take a bottle of rum or beer cans in my carry on. Not any more, only 3oz in a gallon zip lock bag. Until this ban is lifted (which it never will be), the middle east can go fuck themselves.

Regarding "going in" I hope Trump doesn't put any boots on the ground. That's the mistake Bush made, was putting troops there and then there's no way to win. No matter what side you help, it's the wrong side because they're all animals fighting each other. It's like having 2 pit bulls in a ring. It's the same people whether you call them sunnis or shiites. The answer is to let them sort it out, because if you depose the current leader, the next one is just as bad and then we have to clean up their mess.
The problem wasn't putting boots on the ground, the problem was not putting enough boots on the ground. The first gulf war we had 700,000 U.S. troops involved in less than 6 months.

This go around we have generally topped out at 150/200k u.s. troops and about double that in private contractors
Iran is going towards a social revolution.

Let's see what happens.. Has long as USA doesn't interfere (like they did in Syria by funding jihads), we might watch something really interesting in a near future.

Go Iran! :sunny: