[T3] Alternate Fire

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Veteran XV
Any chance we'll see a secondary fire mode on weapons?
I'd like to see a weapon like the plasma 'charged' up and fired, slower but with much more impact.
Alternate fire to a Chaingun having a shotgun effect.
Others im sure for the other weapons.
Unless you can come up with some compelling reasons why it's necessary... And that would also require another button, and it certainly can't be right-click. Shotgun should be a totally separate weapon, how would a chaingun fire like that? And a charged plasma bolt isn't a really strong case either.
I think the weapon load out should limit the amount of variety of tools that you can carry with out. If there was alternate fire, it would make lights much more versatile because you know have essentially 6 weapons. Heavies don't even need that because they can already carry so many weapons, putting them at a disadvantage.
The only thing I can think of is a Guided Disk. If you hold down the fire button after you fire the disk, you can minimally control where it goes.

Of course, that's kinda lame. Secondary fire isn't really needed in this game ;)
Well, in a way, it might be useful.

I thought it'd be nice to have two firing modes for each weapon: indoor/outdoor. Outdoor would be what we already know, and indoor would simply be a small tweak to make said weapon more effective indoors.
So it's still the same weapon, only you press a toggle and *tada* it's now more effective indoors (let's face it, indoor fighting isn't all that exciting).
It woul dbe cool if you could customize your disk launcher to your liking before you play.

Some people would make theirs more damaging, but it would sacrifice accuracy. However, even though the accuracy would be off by a little, the disc would always be off the same way, like it would always be 1 inch off to the right at a certain accuracy, two inches at a different, etc.

That way everyone would find a type that suited them, and become accustomed, it's much harder to aim with a more powerful disc launcher, but the payoff for learning it is greater.

actually this idea sucks
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PyroTeknik said:
I thought it'd be nice to have two firing modes for each weapon: indoor/outdoor.

Maybe have a smaller disc in the disc launcher that does the same amount of direct damage, but less splash damage? ;) I still can't see this being useful for Tribes weapons. But nobody's really come up with any good ideas either.
Rabid Poop said:
Some people would make theirs more damaging, but it would sacrifice accuracy. However, even though the accuracy would be off by a little, the disc would always be off the same way, like it would always be 1 inch off to the right, etc.

That way everyone would find a type that suited them, and become accustomed, it's much harder to aim with a more powerful disc launcher, but the payoff for learning it is greater.

No offense, but that sounds kinda stupid. How do you qualify something like that? "Erm... it's a more powerful, not quite as accurate disc launcher. It goes slightly to the right because of it's mighty power."

And if you adapt to it, you should be able to be just as accurate as with regular fire, meaning you would have a stronger disc. Everyone would use it. It would be a waste. If anything, it should be randomized, not always the same direction.
Ixiterra said:
No offense, but that sounds kinda stupid. How do you qualify something like that? "Erm... it's a more powerful, not quite as accurate disc launcher. It goes slightly to the right because of it's mighty power."

And if you adapt to it, you should be able to be just as accurate as with regular fire, meaning you would have a stronger disc. Everyone would use it. It would be a waste. If anything, it should be randomized, not always the same direction.

notice my edit, I was trying to convey an idea that sounded good in my head into words but it didn't work.
Ixiterra said:
Maybe have a smaller disc in the disc launcher that does the same amount of direct damage, but less splash damage? ;) I still can't see this being useful for Tribes weapons. But nobody's really come up with any good ideas either.

Well, the chaingun/shotgun thing for example might work.
Perhaps a faster firing rate for plasma.

I dunno.
Find something :eek:
i'd like to see a version of the blaster with a much reduced range but very little impact on energy.

we all know the blaster isn't very effective indoors or out.

indoors as in the case of a base defender you're most likely to be wearing a shield pack. the blaster is much more effective indoors as a close range weapon because it bounces but if you're wearing a shield pack you're not going to use it because of the energy required.

outdoors the blaster is only useful as a long range weapon against static targets because you can't jet and shoot it at the same time, again because of the energy used.

while the outdoor usage as a long range weapon is ok, that extended range serves no purpose indoors and therefor should have an alternate fire in order to trade range for energy usage.

if you could have a short range blaster w/o the energy expendature you might even see people master it and use it effectively as part of an offensive loadout in close combat.
as for the chaingun/shotgun thing ...

say the cg has 6 barrels which are preloaded with rounds. when fired in normal mode the cg fires in rapid succession as is the case today and while each barrel is cycling it is again being 'preloaded' with a round.

in alternate fire all 6 'preloaded' rounds fire at once then the gun has the process to go through in order to again reload all 6 barrels until the next round in either firing mode can be shot.

it makes sense but whether or not anyone would want it or use it isn't for me to decide.
Well, the chaingun as it stands now is pretty useless indoors. By the time the barrel starts rotating, you're already toast.
The shotgun mode wouldn't have this delay, even though there'd be a "reload" period in between shots (and a couple of shots would probably be enough to kill a light).

I like the blaster thing.
It's relatively useless right now (except for the occasional humiliation kill).

Thrax Panda said:
Why add something just for the sake of adding it? If the game is fun without it then there is no need to add it.

You'll be singing a different tune in the on-board crocodile pits of my Flying Fortress O' Doom (FFoD shorthand) if you don't get on the ball concerning my sword.
Thrax Panda said:
Why add something just for the sake of adding it? If the game is fun without it then there is no need to add it.

Exactly. Keep it simple if possible. Tribes games (the first moreso than the 2nd) have allowed for an incredible amount of gameplay possibilities without making the game over-complicated. Crowding the game with extraneous features wastes time, money, key bindings, and discourages the common gamer. Leave it for the mods.
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