So another brainless reply from capt'n teletubby then.

I guess you don't know what biological means, imagine everyone's surprise at learning that... :lol:

It's biological when a chick gets pregnant.

But isn't biological when she has the kid and some dude (who doesn't want it) has to pay for it forever.

Yeah, I got your point and it still didn't answer my question at all.

But look for another vocab word and maybe Webster can help you this time.

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In a rare show of solidarity, the libtards and conservitards appear to agree that this bill is stupid, and then move on to argue about inane side comments for 3+ pages.
Men should be able to 'opt out' of having a child as well. He owns 50% of the baby growing in the mother.
men opting out of having a child is when you slip the morning after pill in her vegan blueberry scone the next morning
Men should be able to 'opt out' of having a child as well. He owns 50% of the baby growing in the mother.

1) you don't own children.
2) the man gets to opt out when he starts carrying the babby to term.
3) why are you worried? you're not having sex any time soon.
1) you don't own children.

But a woman can abort them, whenever she wants, and you can be forced to pay for them forever.

2) the man gets to opt out when he starts carrying the babby to term.

But has no other say or option of if the baby should come to term and the man should be responsible for it financially.

3) why are you worried? you're not having sex any time soon.


Says you....:lol:
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first degree murder charge? really? haha

Right? Yet if she walked down there to do it herself its total legit. I get that you don't have a right to mess with another persons body, but it should be a battle between him and her. The dead fucking fetus should stay out of it.

Another fun way these anit-abortionists keep trying to get Roe V. Wade overturned. Make it so every time a pregnant woman loses her baby it's first degree murder, or man slaughter.

texas values and protects helpless human lives. the rest of the nation values and protects their own time and money.

Yeah that's why the kill more death row inmates than any other state in the union.

Of which, at one time, it is estimated that ~10% aren't guilty of the crimes they got the death sentence for.

Cuase Texas is all about life.

Your implication is that YOU can clearly see the intent of one side of the spectrum, yet you offer nothing how the leftists would legislate and enforce their warped morality through the very same governmental organizations when they are in control?

Have you even been paying attention to the Owebama admin?

Your problem is that you see me arguing for a womans right to choose what to do with her body so you assume Im a liberal or Democrat. You're wrong I'm not so stop with the obama does this and that shit towards me because it does not achieve your desired effect. He's POS who should be impeached just like the POS sitting in the Governors mansion in Austin.

This thread is about Texas politics and how the GOP is breaking the rules and trying to force through legislation that could not pass during the regular session.

You want to bitch, moan and cry about Obama, start your own thread