This is how to make the smartcar sell.

My coworker bought a SMARTcar. It is pretty cool to drive, but you get laughed at... A LOT.
'i can't drive something that will save money, reduce pollution and help end the country's dependency on foreign doesn't look cool.'
its not that, its just that europe has pretty cool cars that get near the same mileage as a smart car.

a turbo diesel in a small car.

See: any major european city.
maybe if it wasnt unreasonably small? i dont know about you but i doubt i could fit groceries in that, or take a trip in it, or really do anything but move just me and one other person somewhere. i use my car for more than that.
I guess if you want a car that all it can do is burnouts and donuts.. Put a GSR motor in a smartcar..
maybe if it wasnt unreasonably small? i dont know about you but i doubt i could fit groceries in that, or take a trip in it, or really do anything but move just me and one other person somewhere. i use my car for more than that.

Actually, it is surprisingly roomy and it can more than accommodate your average trip to the grocery store (Costco) and take trips in it. If you need 4 seats, well I guess you'll invest in a Honda Fit then.
It requires premium and gets less MPG than a Prius. It's came in 2nd place for gas mileage when Edmunds did a report.

Smart car is already sold out in most places. People buy the car, put a few mods on it, then sell for 10k more than what it costs at the dealer. A rip off if you ask me.
The car also costs half than a Prius (11k) starting out. I almost bought one as my second car.
Saw a pair of SmartCars on the parkway last week. Every single bump made the car buck badly. Stupidly short wheelbase that thing ... it cannot possibly be comfortable to drive in. :(
but then u can also say that anything small is a death trap. and motorcycles are dangerous, but they are the way they are :shrug: