[T:V mapping] Using TalkingHeads in MP maps?


Veteran X
I was wondering if anyone has been able to get these running in a MP map?

I have my character (AITalkingHead, label AISeti) all set up in a separate room complete with lighting and a TalkingHead camera (label TalkingHeadCameraBESeti). I have two scripts set up. The first script pauses for two seconds after the round starts, then calls the second script. The second script is set up to start the TalkingHeadCamera, play the speech (which I've recorded then attached to the mesh in LIPSinc), then close the TalkingHeadCamera.

I'll paraphrase the scripts here (I'm at work and am writing this from memory but it should be close enough).

Script 1 - onSpawn
(0) Wait two seconds
(1) Execute script csBEIntro

Script 2 - csBEIntro
(0) Open TalkingHeadCameraBESeti
(1) Play speech BEIntro
- Speech set to the speech file created in LIPSinc
- Target set to AISeti
(2) Close currently open TalkingHeadCamera

Here's what happens in game:

The first script appears to run fine. Two seconds after the pre-match countdown is complete and the match starts, the little window pops up and displays my character. This means that the script is successfully waiting two seconds then calls the other script. I know the second script is called because the Open TalkingHeadCamera function of the second is running. The problem appears to be with the Play Speech portion of my second script. While my character appears in the window, he is not animated and the speech never plays. As such, the pop up window never closes.

Thinking that I had some of my AITalkingHead properties incorrect, or that I incorrectly set up the speech animation in LIPSinc, I copied a TalkingHead, TalkingHeadCamera, and associated script that handles both from a SP map. I changed my first script so that it would call the new script I just pasted into my map. Upon playing my map, I found that while it displays the new character in the pop up window, I still had the same problem. The character is not animated and the speech never plays.

Does anyone have any thoughts on what I might be missing? Perhaps some obscure LevelInfo or ZoneInfo property? Or is it possible that the AITalkingHead simply doesn't work in MP maps?

Any help would be appreciated.
I have no idea how to help you, just wanted to say it sounds like a cool and innovative idea, and I hope other mappers are implementing the new tools that come with t:v into their mapmaking as well.
Thanks. I'm trying to get it working for the Siege mod. We plan to use them to help guide new players to the proper objectives. I can get it too work as a static image with the sound file playing, but am trying to get it working with animation and lipsincing. It just looks a lot better that way.

I don't expect many mappers have even looked at this stuff yet. I was kind of hoping a dev might notice this and have some suggestions.
when i was working with coliseum, i forgot to delete them the first time i took them into game and they still worked. I would look at a sp map and see what they did.