This is for you Trump voters.


they can always go to mexico instead... i'd love to hear a single excuse that doesnt warrant a "thats raciss!" fuku back at them
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I think there was an uptick in militia activity and food and ammo stockpiling. You all were chomping at the bit for the shit to hit the fan but were scared of all the niggers. Plus, the superior white upbringing taught that side that it's more fun to shoot at tannerite than to sit holding a sign in the sun

u are funny

u guys can burn down all the urban cesspools and coffee shops u want to

bring that shit to trump land and it might not be as fun for u muds and sjw's

same rules have always applied

there are reasons your inner city gun control garbage didn't fly out there
Nobody wants to sneak into Canada. There are huge parts of the US/Canada border that are completely wide open. Nobody purposely goes there because of the high taxes.
No one's going fucking anywhere. Liberals are like little kids, they kick and scream and throw tantrums and say they're going to run away from home, but once they get 3 blocks down the street they realize that without Mommy and Daddy they have no hope of survival.
As I stated in another thread, we already fought a civil war and your side lost. Once the military gets involved you lose lose again

Edit- plus you were too scared of the niggers to try anything last time

you really believe the US military would be involved in another 'civil' war?


based on?
Delete all your emails first and shut this place down
I've actually thought about this and when I go into local government, I'm letting it all hang out. They're going to ask me about my criminal record and my racist website and I'll just pull a Trump and be like 'yeah well shit happens' and then white people will elect me.