JuggerNaught - i am bored, so i have some questions for you

i am better than you though

as are the majority of people who arent racist morons on this board

And that is your opinion. And really, the opinion someone who's every picture shows them drunk with the apprent inability to drink something without spilling it down your shirt or pants just repeatedly keeps me up at night.


no, im serious
here's my question:


do you ever get tired of incessantly defending yourself against an internet that can rarely agree on anything, yet conclusively and collectively has determined that you are the epitome of worthlessness?
here's my question:

juggernaught do you ever get tired of incessantly defending yourself against an internet that can rarely agree on anything, yet conclusively agrees that you are the epitome of worthlessness?

not really. its like 'getting tired' of flies incessantly buzzing around your head. just swat them and move on.
go look up irony before you post again.
Or I could just link the thread from a few days back where you acted like you were better everyone in the world who smokes weed. Ironic, hypocritical, you call it want you want, but the worlds are applicable in light of this recent revelation where Juggs "doesn't think he is better than everyone else" and is just a sweet, misunderstood, genuinely nice guy.