[SO] The government is shut down...

They can't take your money, only that of the estate. You don't want to pay to maximize your inheritance?

I already paid.......its interest payments on accounts they wouldn't, or still wont, let me cancel that I have the current issues with.

when you make a sincere attempt to give them everything they need to cancel a service that is not in your name, like death certificates, etc (which cost money on their own) and they refuse to cancel a service that nobody is using (because they are dead) I have a bit of an issue with that.

Also have issue with new taxes being pushed as bills.......mandated services that I have to pay for but do not want/use.....etc.

But I'm preaching to a group who doesn't really care about any of this. They just want fuel for their ideological fire. For why they want to externalize debt loads to others and will be ok with mandating their ongoing compliance.

The idea of having any level of say over what one wants to spend all their money on is a primitive concept only held by archaic minds. That much is painfully obvious. They would invoke slavery tomorrow if they could justify it as being for the common good.
Captain Tele: mad at the government for not paying their bills, while he never pays his bills.


Pay your taxes you mean........


Which is what your group is all about.


which sums up Obamacare and your cause in a nutshell.
we should nationalize oil and gas and dig ourselves out of debt tbh
fuck it
worst idea ever. you should look at countries that have nationalized their oil & gas and how they are doing with that. Except for Norway, which is doing pretty awesome, but still lags well behind the US in innovation, etc because free market = best for innovation. ultra deep sea drilling, fracking, etc all US creations gg

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Well you sure spend a lot of time trying to persuade people instead of PAYING YOUR BILLS you freeloading liberal democrat Hippy
i don't know I think our government is doing a great job with everything they touch.

i want to give them more control over everything.

SS, Medicaid, USPS, Obamacare, to wars, to passing budgets on time and under limits........

I will not be satisfied until they get to tell me what I can eat and how long I can sleep.
Well you sure spend a lot of time trying to persuade people instead of PAYING YOUR BILLS you freeloading liberal democrat Hippy

And you spend all of your time being an insufferable but intentional dumbfuck......


We each have our hobbies. Mine don't cost you anything. :)

u r pretty dumb u know?

super dumb......so dumb it probably never once makes you begin to question how moronic your statements are.
I already paid.......its interest payments on accounts they wouldn't, or still wont, let me cancel that I have the current issues with.

when you make a sincere attempt to give them everything they need to cancel a service that is not in your name, like death certificates, etc (which cost money on their own) and they refuse to cancel a service that nobody is using (because they are dead) I have a bit of an issue with that.

Also have issue with new taxes being pushed as bills.......mandated services that I have to pay for but do not want/use.....etc.

But I'm preaching to a group who doesn't really care about any of this. They just want fuel for their ideological fire. For why they want to externalize debt loads to others and will be ok with mandating their ongoing compliance.

The idea of having any level of say over what one wants to spend all their money on is a primitive concept only held by archaic minds. That much is painfully obvious. They would invoke slavery tomorrow if they could justify it as being for the common good.

In your perfect world, how does the infrastructure get maintained to first world standards? You are veering off into samUwell land of sovereign personhood here.

The idea of the government mandating that I have to buy a product from a private company does not sit well with me. Unfortunetley this law was passed by both houses of congress, signed by the president and for the most part upheld by the highest court in the land. The idea that the government should be shut down over the implementation of this land is fucking legislative terrorism.

The republicans control the house of congress most responsible for legislative policies yet refuse to propose real solutions to the problems other than burning the mother fucker down. This attitude has been irresponsible and childish for years at this point. Faced with a feckless weak opposition in the majority the minority has failed to advance a single policy that isn't obstructionist or pure idiocy, which is simply astounding at this point. It is like they simply don't want to ever be in the majority again.

Health insurance as an industry is corrupt, broken and likely never sustainable as the primary means for a society to make its health care decisions around. The ACA was a irresponsible idea that is simply one of the most massive corporate handouts ever, but if the weight of this idiocy can crush an industry that needs to die, maybe it will be a blessing in the end.

Health care should be viewed as a utility, not unlike water and power. Competition will always be limited because of high fixed costs, a nationalized system like those in europe might not be possible for a number of reasons but at the same time, some form of general region/state/national public health care commissions that operate to balance the proper incentives for efficiency and innovation with providing care to consumers at reasonable costs is where we need to move towards.
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In your perfect world, how does the infrastructure get maintained to first world standards? You are veering off into samUwell land of sovereign personhood here.

That be a compliment.....

Giving people some choice over the services they may or may not want seems like a sound solution to me. Can we force people to eat at a particular restaurant by a specific time? Can we force them to buy a certain type of shoes? Why not and how is that unacceptable but it isn't for something like healthcare?

In my perfect world volunteerism and mutual consent accounts for everything. Don't like unjust wars........stop funding them. Don't like the NSA.......stop contributing to whatever funds it. Instead we have a system where the opposite of that happens, you have zero say about anything, and they know this. Everyone is pissed off and our government literally abuses our money and pisses in our face about it.

How does Disney World get funded? Not by force.......so perhaps we can learn something from having people pay for services that they want and cutting off the ones they don't.

The idea of the government mandating that I have to buy a product from a private company does not sit well with me. Unfortunetley this law was passed by both houses of congress, signed by the president and for the most part upheld by the highest court in the land. The idea that the government should be shut down over the implementation of this land is fucking legislative terrorism.

So was most of our unjust wars........and every other piss poor debacle they have gotten us into.

Terorrism in my mind is intentionally bankrupting our nation and giving all of our rights and sovereignty over to a government who is provably corrupt and entirely incapable of ever being held accountable for their blatant failures year after year......decade after decade.

they say that our credit rating could be hurt by this.....that's great news. At the rate we are going that is going to happen either way. Either at 17 trillion dollars in debt......or at 50 trillion in a few more decades.

The republicans control the house of congress most responsible for legislative policies yet refuse to propose real solutions to the problems other than burning the mother fucker down. This attitude has been irresponsible and childish for years at this point. Faced with a feckless weak opposition in the majority the minority has failed to advance a single policy that isn't obstructionist or pure idiocy, which is simply astounding at this point. It is like they simply don't want to ever be in the majority again.

Despite popular misconception, they sent a counter offer over that essentially just wanted to repeal the medical device tax (of 2%). Nobody wanted to listen to it. Both sides have their ideological lines in the sand and that's just the way it is. Compromise isn't a one way street when neither side is willing to look at what the other is offering.

One persons cock blocking obstructionist is anothers best attempt to discourage future raping.

Health insurance as an industry is corrupt, broken and likely never sustainable as the primary means for a society to make its health care decisions around. The ACA was a blatant and irresponsible idea that is simply one of the most massive corporate handout, but if the weight of this idiocy can crush an industry that needs to die, maybe it will be a blessing in the end.

No disagreement there.

Health care should be viewed as a utility, not unlike water and power. Competition will always be limited because of high fixed costs, a nationalized system like those in europe might not be possible for a number of reasons but at the same time, some form of general region/state/national public health care commissions that operate to balance the proper incentives for efficiency and innovation with providing care to consumers at reasonable costs is where we need to move towards.

I think that just anything is worth trying......just not at gun point and through coercion. If a massive group of people all wanted to come together to create their own universal healthcare system I would be all for it. The current system sucks and new ideas should be implemented all over the place. Only through constant trial and error will we find what is best for each individual.......I merely ask for these ideas to be self funded and voluntary. Other than that I'd be open for anything.
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Hour... 17? of the government shutdown....

I can't keep track of time anymore, too weak.... without the government there is no food, no protection..........Everyone around me is dead. We ran out of food an hour or two ago, the roving gangs have murdered everyone they have come across for supplies.... I can't help but thinking that this is somehow Bush's fault........ If only our government had not shut down.... now I wait the sweet release of death......
i need back up runnin low on ammo..***to many zombies***

need government bailout nowwwwww
if it was called "RomneyCare" everyone would be for it

he actually had a plan just like it

because the truth is that the US is the last modern country to get modern healthcare, and whoever implements it will get known as the best US president
if it was called "RomneyCare" everyone would be for it

he actually had a plan just like it

because the truth is that the US is the last modern country to get modern healthcare, and whoever implements it will get known as the best US president

modern != socialized

So let me get this straight: On the topic of abortion, many people say "it's my body I should be able to do what I want with it, the government doesn't own my body." (with regards to abortion being banned or not). A lot of these same people also hold the contradictory viewpoint that the government should be allowed to force everyone to buy health insurance or be fined. So whose body is it?
Did you read the part where the discontinuation was because it didn't mean the minimum required levels of insurance?

So basically the insurance before was fucking shitty and didn't even meet the basic baseline layed out by the government for what qualifies as insurance, hence it being so fucking cheap.

Your argument speaks to the absurdity of the previous system, not the problems of the new one. That absurdity being that health insurance was becoming so expensive that these bullshit awful coverage plans were created to bring people into the system at a level they could afford, when in reality they had shitty insurance should anything significant happen.

They were the equivalent of title loan companies.


i believe it's only half the issue though. dare we get into the complete waste/rape of health insurance companies when it comes to costs?
