scratches on my monitor is pissing me off now

This thread was stupid i admit. However, its old. All the things that have been said are said, sandpapering monitors myself = stupidity, by professionals = the monitors you guys are all using that has been sandpapered.

I don't mind much you guys enjoying yourself which is why i did NOT edit almost any of my replies ever, however stop replying to this thread like this is new, or its still a problem. Its been over a year.

Im guessing whatever i say won't get through to a lot of people so whatever. Enjoy guys.
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finalheaven said:
This thread was stupid i admit. However, its old. All the things that have been said are said, sandpapering monitors myself = stupidity, by professionals = the monitors you guys are all using that has been sandpapered.

So pendragon you're replying to something over a year old man what's wrong with you? trying to be funny?
This has been happening all day, llike 20 classic threads have been bumped.
LogRoller said:
Make sure that you sandpaper your brain to better clarify your thoughts.

:rofl: :lol:

edit: I think "buffing it with a sledgehammer" would be the better resolve :lol:
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and i here i am, thinking that the story about someone falling for this was a myth. praise TW, and the history that is enshrined in these classic threads.