Random sounds that you find comforting


the pitter patter of raindrops on my poncho covering my jungle hammock

sleeping on the ground sucks
wind outside

heavy rain

thunder (some storms never stop thundering and go on for hours... I'm excluding those)

For an honest answer - the sound of Mystery Science Theater 3000. I fall asleep to that easily. I know pretty much every episode by heart and the sounds of the crew make me feel relaxed and sleepy.

I do the same with Ancient Aliens. I have yet to finish a complete episode, I fall asleep every time. It is so bad that when I can't sleep I turn it on, and I am out within fifteen minutes.

I prefer the sound of rain and thunderstorms...very relaxing and calming.
rain fallin on my stretched out nutsack goin pitter patter pitter patter will put me to sleep in a hurry
I did a heap of work in the garden today. Decided to hook up a 30 yr old watering system that was bypassed by the old owner about 10 years ago when it was banned due to drought.

Surprisingly it fired up first time and then I heard that old school metal headed sprinkler come on.

ft ft ft ft ft ft Ftttttttttttttttttttt

Such a familiar happy summer sound. It nearly brought tears to my eyes, I haven't heard one of those since I was a kid.

If you want the full experience here it is.

The Rainbird 25, full or part circle, brass impact sprinkler, I have it mounted on top of a10 foot pole.
