Tribes : Ascend

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Last two? T2 used jump-skiing. I would also prefer something closer to t1 or t2c skiing. At the very least I hope skiing doesn't feel just like the boring t:v skiing.
So tired of this statement/similar statements. No one agree on what a real Tribes game is. The problem occurred the second T2 was released, and since then the identity of Tribes has only become more diverse.

It is similar to the argument of what is moral, in a world where there is no moral absolute when you pull together all cultures.

I think a real Tribes game should have jump based skiing, not this frictionless cushion crap. But since the last two Tribes games, and Legions all used it.

It's not 1998 anymore. Deal with it. I know, I miss it too.
I hate to make the argument from authority here, but Stork is one of the best players T1 and T2 have ever had. This guy understands every single subtle nuance of the game, and seeing as how he never swore off one in favor of the other, and instead became one of the best at both (and probably would have become one of the best at T:V, if it didn't die), it can be trusted that he knows what a Tribes game is.

As a side note, it's people like him that should have been consulted when it came to designing T:A. Not so that they can make T1 or T2 with better graphics, but because people like him really could make a huge difference when it comes to making a competitive video game.
I wish they'd just release the beta already. I am ready to get my hands on this game. Please go beta HiRez? It looks beta quality to me....
Did you tell him that it was basically a divide by zero trig error in Darkstar/V12/Torque and was eventually fixed by Ben Garney (and never backported)?

He's got the source for T1 & T2, and he's got Andrew's stuff, I assume he realizes that but... :shrug:
Last two?

I was including T:A in the count. :roller:

Scuzz - I don't doubt that bro, and I'm sure I would much prefer that Tribes game. But I'm sure as we got into the fine nuances of the gameplay, disagreements on what Tribes is would quickly arise, as it always has when discussing such things.
I would never pub it that way...there'll be set servers that I'll play on that way, and that'l be it. Screw the ranked stuff...I don't want some bot telling me what server to play on.

Hell, they better have a damn good server browser...
So tired of this statement/similar statements. No one agree on what a real Tribes game is. The problem occurred the second T2 was released, and since then the identity of Tribes has only become more diverse.

It is similar to the argument of what is moral, in a world where there is no moral absolute when you pull together all cultures.

I think a real Tribes game should have jump based skiing, not this frictionless cushion crap. But since the last two Tribes games, and Legions all used it.

It's not 1998 anymore. Deal with it. I know, I miss it too.

A real tribes game, you know, your generator goes down and have to repair it to get it back up. you spawn in light with 3 weapons and have to make it an inventory to acquire other weapons/armor types/deployables/etc. light has 3 weapons/med 4/heavy 5. you can carry a disc launcher/chaingun/sniper rifle at the same time. you know...the ACTUAL GAME of Tribes that was featured in t1/t2/tv.


There are a lot of retarded tribes fans out there. A lot of them are on this forum. Thats why "people can't agree on what a real Tribes game is." Many of them simply do not understand the competitive side of Tribes gaming. They were happy to spam mortars @ the tower on Snowblind. They loved Broadside and Scarabae. Tribes was always too much fun...Many people never learned the competitive side because they just had fun. Nothing wrong with that at all. But they have no clue just how deep and intricate the game of tribes is. This is probably what the "tribes vets" on the T:A dev team are like.
maybe lots of 11-15 year old scrub will enjoy this game and play it on pc or xbox and tribe will live again with them

maybe some other game glitch will be exploited and develop new skill and learning curve

personally unless there is big competitive tribe ladder and i am on a team with a bunch of my g00d buds i doubt i will play this game at all

cept maybe on xbox if it comes out for that, and only to say racist things to 15 year old kids

also tribe was good cuz of modding

i think majority of highrez tribes vets are ex t1 ren players and t2 players
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A real tribes game, you know, your generator goes down and have to repair it to get it back up. you spawn in light with 3 weapons and have to make it an inventory to acquire other weapons/armor types/deployables/etc. light has 3 weapons/med 4/heavy 5. you can carry a disc launcher/chaingun/sniper rifle at the same time. you know...the ACTUAL GAME of Tribes that was featured in t1/t2/tv.


There are a lot of retarded tribes fans out there. A lot of them are on this forum. Thats why "people can't agree on what a real Tribes game is." Many of them simply do not understand the competitive side of Tribes gaming. They were happy to spam mortars @ the tower on Snowblind. They loved Broadside and Scarabae. Tribes was always too much fun...Many people never learned the competitive side because they just had fun. Nothing wrong with that at all. But they have no clue just how deep and intricate the game of tribes is. This is probably what the "tribes vets" on the T:A dev team are like.

That demo, while nostalgic, was terrible! That was a turtle snore-fest! 5150 and IE are scrubs! Those newbs don't even know how to take out an entire team by themselves an--- and....

Oh god. The halo/CoD generation of gaming kicked in there for a minute. For the love of GOD, SOMEone release a good Tribes game!
i have a theory that T:A will be a bigger hit than t2 and t:v because those who didn't like t2 and t:v just went back to t1 or t2 when t:v came out (although back to a dying community).

whether the above statement is true or not, doesn't take away from my real point, which is.......both t1, t2, and t:v are dead, and have been dead for a while. And everyone is so desperate to rekindle their gay little feelings they had when they played their special game (including myself), that they're going to play it in search for the new golden days. Meaning that, they got the t1 die hards, the t2 die hards, and the t:v try hards by the balls.

All this scrutinizing and criticizing is just fear that they won't enjoy T:A as much as the predecessors - but when it comes out, they're going to play...and play....and forcefully find that golden era again.

Point is. it's a new game, you're 10 years older, it's childhood nostalgia, let it go bro.

let it go bro

P.S. my goal is to be the greatest LD in T:A (like i was in t2c and t:v) and retire...with probably a map named after me.
i have a theory that T:A will be a bigger hit than t2 and t:v because those who didn't like t2 and t:v just went back to t1 or t2 when t:v came out (although back to a dying community).

whether the above statement is true or not, doesn't take away from my real point, which is.......both t1, t2, and t:v are dead, and have been dead for a while. And everyone is so desperate to rekindle their gay little feelings they had when they played their special game (including myself), that they're going to play it in search for the new golden days. Meaning that, they got the t1 die hards, the t2 die hards, and the t:v try hards by the balls.

All this scrutinizing and criticizing is just fear that they won't enjoy T:A as much as the predecessors - but when it comes out, they're going to play...and play....and forcefully find that golden era again.

Point is. it's a new game, you're 10 years older, it's childhood nostalgia, let it go bro.

let it go bro

P.S. my goal is to be the greatest LD in T:A (like i was in t2c and t:v) and retire...with probably a map named after me.

For the most part I think and hope that you are right. On the other hand, we all did all the same shit when T:V was being developed, and look how that turned out. Will this be any different? I think so. Its a new age of video games, a new generation.
^ My point exactly ( I mean, I'm feeling the same way)...T:V couldn't do it, and the community fell apart within only a few months of its release. Being F2P might be the only thing that keeps T:A relevant.
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