FS: Gaming PCs

quick question: do you sell any of the components individually, and would you be able to do so a prices cheaper than newegg? my gtx 260 is slowly dying and i'm looking to replace it in the near future.
Been a very busy work week for me so i havent had a chance to do this but i just wanted to leave some positive feedback for the ole Die Hard here, he answered all of my questions and bent over backwards to help me get the computer i wanted and even held it for me with a little down payment when i had some things come up IRL, he's a good, honest dude.

i did however have some issues in the shipping department, fedex body slammed my machine down a flight of stairs and then ran it over with a forklift or something, the hard drive got pretty damaged but all is well now and im posting from the PC now, DH is a solid guy and offered to replace the drive if i couldn't get it working. A+ seller, i will buy from him again in the future.
way too difficult to get a claim from the shipping companies, I don't usually bother if it's something small :( This is actually the first time Fedex did some shipping damage, UPS was bad everytime I used them.
Added a tiny Mini-ITX i5-2500K Gaming PC. Took me about 4 hours to put this thing together, but the little thing is pretty fricking cool, i like the case a lot (not from an ease of assembling point though).