What Game are you currently playing?

i've been playing the shit out of system shock 2. just ran through the game in 3 hours without dying on impossible using a psionics only character.
downloading giants: citizen kabuto now, hopefully that'll occupy me for a short time
Currently playing EVE Online on the MMO front, Dwarf Fortress (so help me), and several DS games (Final Fantasy 4, Tactics A2, New Super Mario Bros., Arkanoid).

Also recommend the Dawn of War series for the PC, as well as Team Fortress 2 (the entire Orange Box).

I don't have much on the 360 (fiance picked the games out for it so far), I can recommend Dynasty Warriors 5 (not 6) (XB360, PS2), possibly Dynasty Warriors: Gundam (XB360). I can also recommend looking for and picking up Warriors Orochi or Okami for the PS2 (was recently ported to the Wii).
2moons, free MMORPG, its ok I guess, something to do when I have time to kill.

used to play it. sold my acct and got it back (thumbsup for GMs). got a 122 segnale if you want to fuck around on it. the guy fucked up my build but it's still a decent pvm char.
Wow, time stands still for you.

Currently only play TF2 and PC. Hoping to play Legions once/if I find it fun.

Nothing recent really grabs me like SS:T, and I'm stoked about SC2 and D3 so trying to stay crescent fresh on my hax.

TF2 runs poorly on my dated machine so I limit myself to the old school tech.
Legions was not fun for me, much like Tribes 2 base or T:V :/
360: GTA4, MLB2k8, COD4

PC: CS:S, and probably some TF2 soon, thankfully I've been WoW clean for over a year and a half