Tags = Worthless

Right? I don't believe that anyone could have guessed how much fun a forum of teen/middle/suicidetaxi aged men could have with 25 character tags. Kind of like leaving a message on the bathroom stall.
tags are the grout of the truck stop restroom which is the content of tw
We should keep them, if for no other reason, simply for their comedy value. Some of them have been pretty funny :lol:
aids aids water akuma blog anal dog sex angry tribalwar virgins anthony maio assfrags assfrags is a faggot badmofo has a huge penis badmofo is faggot ban barbara streisand baseball ben reed beren = master splinter bighead boring but i poop from there! cheap bitch cocks dance puppets dance death drinks drugs epic thread faggot thread fagmotron food fraggle = attention whore free gon gay george w. bush gigafool is a faggot heil hitler herpes kahula lays jew eggs kurayami kurayamiwar.com loco-raider sucks cock matthew dewald is fat mormon most likely get laid movies music nerdvirgin nerdvirgins night shift not right now you don't ofn orbital 123 partisan hackery pear penis pics politics porn ron paul sexxxgodsteve was here suicidetaxi = idiot suicidetaxi is god tags thread sucks tiny pee-pee triple is a troll troll vermont logging truck virgin wat whiny bitch worthless thread
If I read a thread and it lacks in the funny, I can usually read a tag and get a chuckle...so it can save a thread from utter dismal failure. (are those real words?)