Tell me about the SJW warrior

You knew the kids of the 90's and beyond were going to be a lost generation when they started banning dodge ball.


all the corners were padded during my upbringing

i felt like my upbringing was a lot like what rayn depicted

played all day outside in the woods came back around dark on weekends

i remember these



and now they are all removed. apparently because you can hurt yourself.

i remember riding your bike to school unsupervised even in elementary school

Parents in trouble again for letting kids walk alone

i remember open lunch periods in hs where you could leave campus

now it is on lock down harder than an actual prison

locker searches, drug dogs, cameras, and metal detectors to boot

all of which transitioning to such after the columbine era

getting exponentially worse every day thereafter
Didn't live on a paved road until middle school, playgrounds were old junk yards.

I always bristle at sociology classifying early 80's as millennial kids, so much is not just year of birth but regional influences as well.

Growing up in the foothills in Colorado my youth was far different than my wife's growing up in SoCal despite her only being a couple years younger than me.
Didn't live on a paved road until middle school, playgrounds were old junk yards.


this exactly

nothing was rubberized, nothing was plastic, all of it was 100% tetanus shot

it is amazing how fast the transition happened

i don't remember one grade where at least one classmate didn't break something or require a cast for something and this was considered "normal"
yeah my younger brother would come home and tell me about all the security they had at the school now and I was like WTF that sucks. I wouldn't have had nearly as much fun in high school if they had all that shit in place when I was there. they have cops and metal detectors and you can't even come into the school if you're not a student. I used to come and go as I pleased. I probably would've been expelled if I had that much authority helicoptering over me.
The SJW originated in the mid 80's with the rise of dual income households, which forced many children into cramped day care facilities where the children were required to compete with each other for the attention of single, childless women, who teach them that masculinity is shameful and toxic. As those same children entered their teenage years in the 90s, parents began catering to their children's incessant demands. It was a time of economic prosperity, and rather than teach their children any form of discipline or self-reliance, they provided them with every luxury available in order to satiate their tantrums.

Enter the 2000s, and the real boom of the internet. No longer just for nerds, social media platforms emerged and created a new space where the still attention starved brats could receive it in droves. It was not enough to have a few close friends, one's self worth was measured entirely by the number of friend counts on various platforms. Children learned that sharing empty platitudinous remarks would earn them more shares, more likes, more friends. It was no longer enough to lead a moral and virtuous life, one must now demonstrate that virtue to others. Dyed hair, visible tattoos and piercings, and eye-catching fashion choices became cultural norms to express individualism collectively. The act of not expressing virtue gradually becomes reprehensible. Facts and logic become meaningless in the pursuit of self-worth and value.

Finally we reach today, where decades of pointless, undeserved accolades have created a multi-generational group of shitty writers, actors, and singers who were never really criticized for anything. They stare around the room, either still in their parents house or in a shitty 3BR apartment they share with 8 people, and wonder where things went wrong. They got the 4 year college degree in Art History after 9 hard years of study, but they can't find work to pay off the $300,000 private school loans they took. Gone is the free cable, the free internet, the free housing, the free car, the free food, and they regress to the same tantrums they threw in day care. This is not fair. This is someone else's fault. I want what I had, and you have what I had, therefore you should give me what you have because I deserve things. Instead of self-reflection on the choices they have made, they now discover an adulthood of incompetence. They have no intrinsic value to society, and extreme cognitive dissonance sets in. I have no value, yet I've been told by everyone that I do. My book goes unpublished, my job is being replaced by an LED screen, I am not famous, I own no home, I have no kids, but if I update my facebook profile picture to show solidarity with Paris everyone acknowledges how amazing I am.

This marks the arrival of the social justice warrior. An attention starved adult child who cannot come to grips with the terrible choices they've made under the lax supervision of absentee parents. Their self-perceived victim status elevates their need for more attention, finding solace with other like-minded individuals, and making unreasonable demands based solely on even more virtue signaling. Standards of success are kept shockingly low, as the goal is merely to garner attention and not accomplishments. Marches for rights already obtained ensue, selfies at environment protests, carefully framed to avoid showing their litter, flood the internet. Praise is showered upon them from their vapid, meaningless social media echo chambers. Today we accomplished nothing, and it was amazing how much people appreciated it.

Defending your life against the SJW's is now a crime.
This is why SJW's are dangerous.
They have infected the legal system.

CCW Holder Wrongly Convicted in 5 Minutes, for Defending His Life from BLM Thugs

Mike Strickland. Do you recognize the name?

You should, but you’ll get a pass if you don’t. Like every other “major” story that isn’t, the “mainstream” media is failing to cover this man’s plight.

A story of self-defense, so compelling that the nation needs to see and hear it, yet it is blatantly and intentionally neglected by the “dominant” and failing “mainstream” media.

In a nutshell for those of you may not be aware of Mike and his plight, here’s the “crib notes” version. Mike is an independent journalist/videographer who was covering a progressive anarchist “demonstration” in Portland, Oregon when he became surrounded by a mob of radical, anarchists. You know the types, the one in masks that throw bottles and break things, otherwise known as peaceful Democrat “protestors” supported by the former president “What’s His Face.”

As the mob continued to surround and outflank him, they chanted “get him” and other nasty garbage. Mike did what any expert would teach any student to do; he retreated as best he could before being surrounded and overwhelmed by the ever growing mob. Realizing he was now nearly surrounded and in fear for his life, Mike drew his lawfully concealed firearm and used it to keep the crowd at bay. He never fired a shot, and in fact, his finger never touched the trigger.

Law enforcement finally arrived, and after some investigation, Mike was charged (wrongly in my opinion) with misdemeanor menacing. Here’s some information from talk radio host, Victoria Taft:
“A witness in court testified there had been a conspiracy by anarchists to assault him and toss him out of the rally. Strickland was questioned and released the night of his attack and he was ordered to court on a misdemeanor count of menacing. When it was discovered who prosecutors had–the hated Laughing at Liberals guy–the 1 (sic) charge turned into 21 (sic) and the 1 (sic) misdemeanor turned into multiple felonies.”​

The leftist political machine in Portland had their guy and they weren’t going to let go. When jury selection began, it was found that the jury pool was tainted as a few members of the pool had actually been part of the anarchist protest that day. Mike opted for a bench trial. As Victoria tells it:

“Strickland’s bail blew up to $250,000. The charges included 10 counts of unlawful use of a weapon, 10 counts of menacing and one count of disorderly conduct.

Court watchers told me that after fewer than five minutes of reflection, on Friday, February 10, 2017, Judge Thomas Ryan announced his verdict: guilty on all 21 counts.

By now you may have read the various posts about this case. Maybe you’ve seen the video of the mob going after Strickland.

Here’s what you don’t know.

Ever since Strickland was formally charged, his own video of what happened that day has been under seal. It saw daylight only to be shown in court the day the judge convicted him. The judge said the attack by the mob should have NO bearing on Strickland’s actions that day.

But there’s more.

Strickland has been ordered not to do what he did for a living. He can’t work.

He can’t blog or write.
He can’t go near any protest.
He can’t video any protest.
The institutional left in Portland has silenced a contrary political voice. Moreover, the institutional left in Portland has done so to a journalist.

Mike Strickland now faces fifty years in an Oregon penitentiary for drawing his lawfully concealed weapons to defend himself from an advancing mob of progressive, anarchist, Obama/Clinton Democrats while trying to retreat to safety.

You are just supposed to take the beating to an inch of your life. Defending your life against a horde of darkies and SJW's is now a crime.
Jfc fool why would you type that out how fucking weird and angry are

You are hitting new old angry lows that post is equivalent to the guy in 1950 saying rock music destroyed society smdh

same argument fool you will end up on wrong side of history as old crazy guy complaining

Every 20-30 things there is a conservative angry push back then it disappears

I hate sjw more than anyone buy you look like a whiney angry baby posting that shit
There's nothing angry in there kotz, not that you read it before rushing to judgement. I suppose I could just write "sjw = attention whores", but I had spare time.
that was observation. it was accurate. what's the problem? he didn't tell you to get off his lawn once
It's perfectly normal to post observations on a forum to invoke discussion. That's the whole purpose of a forum.
This is basically the equivalent of posting a fb story for likes

The other 36 year old man crew agrees with you shocking!?

Do you need to post more book long stories for likes isn't that what sjw do
Not at all, I posted my observation and people seemed largely to agree with it. Even you, for example, have not actually refuted anything in it, you've merely taken the opportunity to mock me for posting it. If that's all you feel like contributing, that's cool too, I don't expect much more from you these days. You should feel no shame in wanting to hold on to your youth. Now that you're in your 30s, it's natural to try to act younger, and mockery is a great tool for that. That should help convince the other 30 year old "we're not old yet" TW circlejerk crew that you're still fun.
Not at all, I posted my observation and people seemed largely to agree with it. Even you, for example, have not actually refuted anything in it, you've merely taken the opportunity to mock me for posting it. If that's all you feel like contributing, that's cool too, I don't expect much more from you these days. You should feel no shame in wanting to hold on to your youth. Now that you're in your 30s, it's natural to try to act younger, and mockery is a great tool for that. That should help convince the other 30 year old "we're not old yet" TW circlejerk crew that you're still fun.

I'm not 30

I don't need to post page long observations to a circle jerk squad of homogenous yes men relinking the same articles to one another and agreeing there aren't even millennials left here to retort

Some of the post may be true sjw suck but a lot is exaggerated fear mongering with zero evidence
I'm not 30

I don't need to post page long observations to a circle jerk squad of homogenous yes men relinking the same articles to one another and agreeing there aren't even millennials left here to retort

Some of the post may be true sjw suck but a lot is exaggerated fear mongering with zero evidence

so refute it instead of being a dick for the sake of being a dick
Also btw you are doing the equivalent of what you hate from sjw

Sjw post articles/observations for likes between peers on social media at least you claim that in your ramble book

You post observation and articles for likes between homogenous peers for the most part except that you effort post page long ones for positive reinforcement of your crazy rambles

Same shit different group & format no critical analysis