soulcalibur 4 you got it?

I'm retarded, but wtf does Imba mean?

I really hope they release Vader/Yoda cross platform at some point. Also would be cool if you could unlock their styles for character creation (I could see Yoda's not working as you'd need a midget model)

Hilde is probably my favorite character of the new ones. Just need to figure her out a bit more.

Oh, how much blocking does someone need to do for you to get the fatality thing off? Been playing the comp a lot and I don't think I've even gotten their orb to red, and that was when the comp was turtling.
IMBA = retarded term whiners use, often in association with the other whiny term; nerf.
slobax bitches about everything and anything

ignore the fag

im picking this up by the end of the week
Actually I just hate to see fighting games follow Super Smash Bros. trend of NO SKILL REQUIRED JUSTMASHBUTTONS HEHEHE

I'm all for this game in local matches, but online is retarded when GI's are pointless to even attempt due to lag.

That said I may pick this game up just for the mere fact I'm a Star Wars nut, and it has fan service in it.
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Played it last night: I consider myself 'decent' at fighting games, but certainly no expert and I've found this game to be particularly challenging ('Ascending' the tower is f'king hard at times)

Love the graphics, and the customization options are pretty deep (I'm waiting on a guide to explain it all in more detail) Definitely the best fighting game I've played on the 360.
Was thinking of picking this up or VF5. VF5 is still $40 for 360, but cheaper than $60 for SC4.

I'm not a serious fight game player, pretty much just a button masher. I doubt I'll go online.

I'll probably just wait for a price drop. Too many good games coming out in the next few months.
IMBA is a retarded MMO term. A more appropriate term for the fighting game genre would be simply "broken".

I am unsurprised that Soul Calibur 4 is a fun but largely unbalanced mess. Regardless, I will probably buy it once I get 360 #2 repaired/swapped out for another refurb just so that I can make dorky custom characters running around in their underwear.

But mostly I'm looking forward to being able to play VF5 again. God, I hope they bring the new revision to 360 so that I can get even more cowboy hats and crap (plus Sarah's slutty trailer-trash outfit from VF3).
ok. as far as the character creation goes, the style of the character is based off the main chars, so no kilik style with a giant sword. but the number of armor and weapons and stat adjustments they bring are awesome. but one thing you gotta know is that you have to play the fight style of your char and level it up before creating one. if you don't then you end up with a crappy created char.

right now i am rocking the scythe dude. he combines some of killiks moves, with some of asteroths. and a tiny bit of nightmare, but faster. awesome character!

once i get his style to level 10 or so i will create a char of that style and get healthsteal health regen and anti ringout buffs.

edit: the critical moves will hardly ever be seen, because there are soo many things you gotta accomplish, like knocking off all 3 pieces of their armor, and having their soulgague weakened enough while yours is at it's peak.
All you have to do for a critical finish is knock off one piece of armor, then put them in a state of soul crush again. Your soul gauge does not have to be at peak.

Anyways, just beat the tower ascension. Was hard as hell until I started using a customized Mitsurugi.
I've gotten to use a finisher once in a real game and they would've died in one or two hits anyways. It seems like its really for someone who just turtles all round.
SC2 was awesome, double on on GC.

step 1: pick link

step 2: run to edge of arena

step 3:grab other opponent, toss them off arena

The gameplay of SC is way too shallow compared to most traditional 2D fighters, so I really can't quite take it seriously. There's just something about the clean precision and highly refined mindgames and tactics seen in SF3 and Guilty Gear that always keep me away from 3D fighters in general. They just seem too 'sloppy' for the lack of a better word.
The one exception for me is usually VF, which seems much cleaner in comparison and I can see the appeal of.

Don't get me wrong though, SC can be good fun. It just seems like they put the graphics ahead of the gameplay and mechanics in every iteration.
The real question is.. how does the 360 controller stack up against the ps3 for fighters.

I'm so used to the ps style controller from playing the tekken series to death.. I just can't see the 360 controller being great for a fighting game.. a solid d-pad is where its at..and the 360 just doesn't have that. (Using the stick is fucking homo gay too)..

So.. those of you who've played tons of fighters on ps2 etc.. how does it play on 360?