You raff yuo roose v.3871

New York Times newsroom hit by bed bug infestation: report

Being on the receiving end of President Trump' biting tweets might make The New York Times squirm. But here's something else that could be making The Gray Lady uncomfortable (and itchy) at the moment: bed bugs.

Multiple Times staffers shared the news on social media Monday: The famed newsroom has an infestation of bed bugs.

According to an internal email sent to employees -- obtained by Slate, the bugs were found in the "wellness room" on the second floor, on a couch on the third floor, and in a booth on the fourth floor over the weekend.

The email went on to say that "evidence of possible bedbug activity was found in a few personal lockers on the third floor," and that "treatment is underway" for those whose lockers were contaminated.

Assistant editor Stuart Thompson shared the news on Twitter, before columnist Sopan Deb (apparently a Trekker) joked that he'd "ordered shields up" and "phasers to be set on stun" to combat the critters.

The Times did not immediately respond to Fox News for comment.

Student practicing extreme yoga pose falls 80 feet from balcony
A Mexican college student is alive after falling 80 feet from her balcony while practicing a yoga pose.

Alexa Terrazas, 23, was known to do yoga on her sixth-floor apartment’s balcony, often using the guardrail as a prop for extreme poses. But a risky move nearly cost the yogi her life on Saturday afternoon, as she slipped and landed on the pavement outside her building in the northeastern Mexican state of Nuevo León, according to reports in El Imparcial.

The health and nutrition student at Tecnológico de Monterrey was treated by paramedics with the Red Cross and Nuevo León Civil Protection, then brought to the hospital, where she underwent 11 hours of surgery. She was considered to be in critical condition as of Monday, having suffered fractures to both legs and arms, hips and head.

Fake news. There are no colleges in Mexico except for the taco engineering college.
bruh, don't b mad that ur cali public school career was less productive than a mexican university professor's career

the mexican university guy got bigly a game genie boost by not having 2 deal w/ guatemalans, hondurans or salvadorians
agreed, they instead gave their children everything they wanted and needed and really pussified them instead of pushing them to do things for themselves. that's what happens when you baby a generation of kids. then they baby their kids even worse with the participation trophies and what not, and then it all goes to shit.

How bout these participation awards?


It didn't start with millennials u know
excuse me, civilian scum, but i am a war hero

i lost 3 fingers while fucking up working on a split rim wheel for a transport truck in belgium during april 1945

i suffered a permanent disability while personally defeating the nazis and saving ~6 million more~ from certain extermination

u will always owe me. now shut the fuck up while i cut in line at the golden corral.
or how about losing your leg up to the knee and getting shot in the neck with a .50 cal round?

fuck u, u piece of shit

excuse me, civilian scum, but i am a war hero

i suffered a back injury while falling out of my bunk on the uss john mccain while working as a media relations representative on combat deployment in support of syrian freedom fighters

i suffered a permanent disability while personally defeating the terrorists and saving ~6 million syrian children~ from certain extermination

u will always owe me. now shut the fuck up while i cut in line at the golden corral.