No charges appropriate for Hillary Clinton email "problem"

also, i wouldn't expect hillary clinton to be a master of IT and understand the inner working of email servers. She got bad advice, or hired a bunch of IT "yes men" or something

Without a doubt.

I'm constantly pissed that none of our politicians have the slightest clue when it comes to technology, yet our country and the world(and it's secrets) run on it.

You can't single out the dumb cunt on the democratic side and still make excuses for the guy that said he'd have his buddy bill gates take care of that internet thing.

Both of these people are grade A retards when you get them out of their fields(politics\public relations with rednecks).

If you've come to the conclusion that you have to choose the lesser of two evils, I ain't mad at ya. But if you think either of these fucknuts are a Good Choice, you're an idiot.
Yes, I wonder why somebody would want to have more control over the e-mails that they are sending.

Yes, very strange... why would someone have a private email server that avoids transparency?

And who are these people dumb enough to believe that you can't have a work email and a private email? lol wtf..
Basically, the FBI laid out all the things Hillabag did wrong, but then said she didn't do it on purpose. Like a bug fucking oooops, I wasn't aware. Meanwhile, others have gone to prison for less.
Gonna be hilarious watching Trump followers cry when Hillary wins

this is one of the dumbest comments i have ever read. again a clinton has broke the law and got away with it. the country is a worse place because of it and its truly sad.

and yet fed just wants to see hillary win so it will piss off trump supporters.
Shouldn't she be charged with perjury for lying about sending classified information through her server while under oath?
So, yes, we now know for sure what seemed obvious all along. Yes, Clinton sent classified and top secret information on private servers, in clear violation of the law, and she lied about it. Yes, she lied when she said she never sent classified information. Yes, she lied when she said she was acting within State Department guidelines. Yes, she lied when she said she produced all of her government emails and gave them to investigators. Yes, she lied when she said she conducted classified business on a private server because she didn’t want to carry around two devices. Yes, she lied. Yes, she lied. Yes, she lied. And, yes, she broke the law. Repeatedly.

Clinton Is Above The Law, So The Law Is Dead |
Do either of you have a security clearance?

they will obfuscate to avoid your point, which I am guessing is that folks who have a clearance actually know what you can and can't do.

I have held a security clearance for 28 years, and every year we get training and periodically you have to redo your SF86 so the investigations can happen again. We sign over and over that we will protect the information according to the laws and policies.

Hillary said fuck it, and the FBI just said "OK".

what a precedent
Guys, stop picking on Grandma Clinton. We should be praising her for even knowing how to use email in the first place.

At least she doesn't use aol.

this is one of the dumbest comments i have ever read. again a clinton has broke the law and got away with it. the country is a worse place because of it and its truly sad.

and yet fed just wants to see hillary win so it will piss off trump supporters.

you think trump would be a good president? the republican party is so fucked the top candidate is a guy who has gone bankrupt multiple times, cant even stay on his own fucking show because hes that bad, constantly makes inappropriate comments

you think trump would be a good president? the republican party is so fucked the top candidate is a guy who has gone bankrupt multiple times, cant even stay on his own fucking show because hes that bad, constantly makes inappropriate comments


and yet you think that's all worse than a woman who hates black people, lies constantly through her teeth, has probably had people assassinated, is probably laundering dirty money through her own foundation, has been proven to break the law with top secret information in emails and lying about it under oath, is taking money from middle eastern countries to fund her campaign, etc.?