seeking 3v3 advice:

I haven't been playing but what did they do to Paladins to make them suck in Arena? They used to be godly.
Not so much changes but other healers have always had way more utility, and become much more viable with gear.

And then blizzard decides to nerf paladins based on season 1, putting 30 seconds cooldown on Blessing of Sac (the only way to avoid polymorph other than bubble), which partners very badly with the fact that once you come out of that poly, the mage can easily CS your 2.5 (or more GG curse of tongues) second cast.

Basically it all comes down to having nothing but long casts. Mages and warlocks if played correctly can both prevent a paladin from casting more than a few times in an entire match. A priest on the other hand can pop prayer of mending, shield, renew on their target without worrying about CS. Druids are even better since they can't get polymorphed, and have more potent insta-cast heals.

A paladin is fine against any team without a mage or warlock, or when running with another person who can dispel them. Unfortunately playing with any priest in 3v3 is an awful team composition anyways.


Paladins are OK in 2v2 since mages are few at high ratings and warlocks don't burst much damage when paired with a healer. But in the end your partner would still be better off with a druid.

They're still great in 5's, since you (should) always group up with somebody else who can dispel you.
I think pallies are still legitimate in 5's, and to a lesser extent in 2's (Warrior/Paladin, Warlock/Paladin mainly).

Ya, and they can work in some 3v3 configs still... but in almost every case the insta-heal tanking alternatives could be much better. Blizz made a huge overcorrection with their nerf just like the new arcane shot is going to be too big.

I had a little strat-review session with my 3v3 team over positiioning (war-lock-pal) and we went on a nice little 13-0 streak, even schooling a 2300 druid-lock-rogue team.
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i could go on and on and on (surprise) but here are a few

/cast [nomodifier:ctrl/alt:Drain Life] Drain Life;[modifier:ctrl:Drain Soul] Drain Soul;[modifier:shift] Drain Mana

#show Spell Lock
/cast [target=focus,pet:felhunter] Spell Lock
/cast Spell Lock
/cast [target=focus,pet:felguard] Intercept

#show Fel Domination
/castsequence Fel Domination, Summon Felguard(Summon), Soul Link

#show Curse of Exhaustion
/cast Amplify Curse
/cast Curse of Exhaustion

#show Fear
/cast [nomodifier] Fear;[modifier:shift,target=focus] Fear

/target focus
/cast [target=focus] Banish
/script SetRaidTarget("target", 5)
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