AV PvP or Questing?


Veteran X
I dont really enjoy the Alterac Valley Battleground much, but i like the dagger that you can get for the reputation in there, just wondering what you think the quickest way for a rogue (or any class) to gain rep there is?

Usually i go and collect the Rams and then stealth down and kill 30ish wolves to get the Ram Riders up, and after that join in the zerg.

Anyone found any good ways to raise Rep quickly?
what he said. every item you turn in from a player corpse gives you 10 rep points, and you can usually get 2 or 3 items per corpse. be one of those shitheads who loots bodies in the middle of a fight rather than actually fight, and you will RAKE IN the rep.

as for the support quests, they don't give nearly the rep over time that looting does, and they require a lot more effort.
Theres no reason to be in AV other than rep gain, I just hit revered, and once I hit exalted, you'll never see me waiting 2 hours in line again. You get most of your contribution from CTF matches which are much faster, and much funner than just having 40v40 fight it out.
My high australian latency and the general suckiness of the alliance is affecting my ability to be an awesome ninja :(