Fixing the roads, changing America

a bunch of ad hoc "but it simply wont work because we say so" also isnt a good against argument
yet people are clinging to it
goshin stop hiding behidn ur fake gf and science threads and post ur grindr

u will feel better once u r out u fucking faggot
i think its worth the money to find out if it can work, why not? people argue why it wont work and they always have an answer

if they take all that money and turn it into a shitfest of defending their claims and producing jack shit except more investor dollars then i would be pretty annoyed tho
Test it in parking lots only first, if all goes well some secondary streets.

If there is ANY moisture present I'm not taking my motorcycles anywhere near it.


Test it in parking lots only first, if all goes well some secondary streets.

If there is ANY moisture present I'm not taking my motorcycles anywhere near it.

isn't the entire point of parking lots is that they are filled with vehicles in the day time? you know, those peak energy producing hours.

Also going to be hilarious to see this this after a single winter when the solar road of dreams gets a good hard shot of mother nature in the form of frost heaving.
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Also going to be hilarious to see this this after a single winter when the solar road of dreams gets a good hard shot of mother nature in the form of frost heaving.
God, you're right! There's no way they thought of that, they really should have asked you first...
you don't stop frost heaves from happening, you just deal with them once they do.

I feel sorry for people who got suckered into this without any knowledge of construction or engineering practices. It was all taken at face value. There are real big glaring problems and issues with this as a driving surface, let alone a means of energy generation. If I was going to put my investment dollar into some big pipedream idea it would be fusion. Far bigger payoff, far fewer resources required.
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I'm sure oils/fluids from vehicles, road grit, tire skids, etc. won't render this ineffective at all.

Electric vehicles don't use oil or transmission fluid so there is very little chance of gunking up the road once they become commonplace.

Tyres and dirt might still be a problem
Electric vehicles don't use oil or transmission fluid so there is very little chance of gunking up the road once they become commonplace.

Tyres and dirt might still be a problem

What about the massive strip mines we're going to have to open in order to provide enough metal like copper, nickel, cadmium, zinc and lithium to supply the massive demand for these components in electric cars? Or are we just going to wish those elements from the ground with liberal wizard magic?
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they had their parking lot down and producing energy/melting snow and ice this entire winter in northern Idaho
i think these panels can deal with cold
evil engineer, i also think the idea of using solar roadways in any sort of large scale way is not viable for various reasons, but some of your points are pretty far off.

did you know that bolivia has 50% of the worlds lithium reserves in their salt flats and they're currently basically untapped?

did you know that proving out fusion is a multi-billion dollar international science project (the largest ever) and solar power is a proven entity?

Did you know that copper, nickel, and zinc are already used in cars and i would wager a fair amount that usage is no bigger in electric cars and is miniscule usage compared to other industrial uses. And why exactly do you think cadmium is needed?
I still think its funny that we can come up with a road panel capable of melting snow, producing and transferring energy, strong enough to withstand 50 tons or more, etc and all you twats can come up with against it, is it will be hard to clean?


you dont think new spray trucks or whatever wont be built to replace snowplows to keep things clean?

this is just starting, and the merits are quite amazing really. nothing else has been developed yet for this, so we do have to wait and see. but i forsee new roadwork machines that instead of laying asphalt they drop in 2-3 rows or more of these panels all at once. now the people making this have to work on standards for these panels, for hopefully quick connecting them, ease of removal and replacement etc, but this really has alot of potential.

Our biggest issue will be our government.