"Vast locations from underground caverns and forgotten cities to acid wastelands"

"Join the war online with extensive multiplayer action for up to 32 players."


I'd like to see a skyscraper map though ^_^
why :[ ?

Most pubs support 32 players as it is. Serious competion has always had to deal with this. It doesn't mean ladder games have to be 16 on 16 though.
BlodBath-VuP- said:
maybe we can finally get that dynamic weather in?
wow i cant believe i never thought of that

that would be so fucking cool (and realistic)
like lightning interrupting gameplay (or route for that matter)
winds and other natural objects/elements intervening... that would be fucking sweet

<- retard for not even giving that thought
Missing flag grabs b/c of crosswinds would be real popular I think...I suppose it'd be okay if they had one of those directional wind socks built into your HUD tho..
Yeah i don't think having a gust of wind take you away from your perfect route will go down well. Maybe just having night and day cycles.
rchain0214 said:
wow i cant believe i never thought of that

that would be so fucking cool (and realistic)
like lightning interrupting gameplay (or route for that matter)
winds and other natural objects/elements intervening... that would be fucking sweet

I have to disagree.

Nobody likes grabbing the enemy flag on a perfectly executed route only to be struck by lightning or be pushed of course by wind. Tribes is all about control, and once you lose that element it becomes frustrating.

Dynamic environment, however, is cool stuff. Things like changing the time of day brings interesting gameplay effects. Imagine having a map where it's almost pitch black at night. If you have this change during a match, you could have a fundamental switch of strategies to match the environment.
rchain0214 said:
good point special.. i like that second idea too

like imagine not knowing if you had CoN or Cloak of Day

Well not only that, imagine having CoN and CoD interchange mid-map... Like an accelerated night/day cycle. Also imagine a map where it's a clear day in some ravine, but then the weather changes and all of a sudden fog begins rolling in and obscures a flag...