Why Vengeance?

I really like Tribes Pi :], 3.14159...a little more than 3 because it has a single player mode now...not to mention it makes up for T2 a bit.
Imposter said:
Why isn't it Tribes 3: Vengeance?

My guess is they were aiming for putting it out on the xbox too at first, so they were gonna drop the 3. I'd wager they could change stuff, like adding the singleplayer or removing jetpacks or something and thus they'd be able to call it a spinoff.




How far we've come.
Sir L you missed one.


no need to fuss about with :'s and stuff.

And I am sure we could allow the usage with your legal department.. although you can't getting tribalwar.com for the site ( there is a link page in the rest of the site if you leave the forum) :)