Many people are saying Sean Troesch threw away the mail because he knows Trump is unlikely to win.

The new GOP strategy is to call into question the legitimacy of the election. It's insane and it undermines the foundations of our republic, but hey as long as the red team wins, right?
Ya, you go look up
The Election Transition Integrity Project/Group
check out when they were formed and when all this gaming and propaganda started
and how
they really are...

i don't know why i respond to your OMB syndrome; prove me wrong and give me something that will derail me from a path of
that for the time being the Trump Administration seems to be accomplishing through all the campaign Promises he has Made
And Kept

Globalists (really dictator communists)
My enemies
ALL seem to be against President Donald Trump's
Patriotic Administration
The left's pilpul traps have not ensnared us
Flynn IS being exonerated
You can't admit RussiaRussiaRussia is a HOAX by the DNC and more

jump to the next conclusion

Worthless Idiot
The Election Transition Integrity Project -


A bipartisan group who just don't happen to believe in the Electoral College.

and no, you weren't really supposed to hear about them yet
as they scurry for their holes
Thanks go to Natalie Winters
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Biden supporters have nothing to fear. Biden is polling higher than FDR after D-Day and the Nazi's were in retreat.
EXC: Biden Donor Group Sends 225,000+ Ballot Requests, Including for DEAD Citizens

“Kristen Link received four ballot request forms in the mail addressed to her husband, who passed away in 2015. Kristen thought the forms were sent by a government agency, but they came from a third-party group called the Center for Voter Information. The ballot applications are already filled out and addressed to the Bexar County Elections Administrator.”

Trump Legal Team Blocks Dem Efforts To Mail 70,000 Auto-Filled Ballots In Iowa

Auto-Filled... Really?
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The new GOP strategy is to call into question the legitimacy of the election. It's insane and it undermines the foundations of our republic, but hey as long as the red team wins, right?

Thats funny because the new Dem strategy is to do everything possible to make this election be as sketchy as possible, then when the GOP points it out, scream LOOK THEY ARE TRYING TO QUESTION THE LEGITIMACY OF THE ELECTION!!!!
the GOP is setting up fake ballot boxes in California to make the election look sketchy, why?

The GOP controlled senate never voted on any election security bills proposed in the last four years, why?
I hear an awful lot more stories about weird voting anomalies on the dems side.

Pretending they all strive to play fair is stupid but it sure does look like one side is pulling more shit in desperation to get rid of Trump. They've been playing dirty since before he took office.