Kurayami has been lurking.

And how is this any better than the F-16 exactly?

The F-22 replaces the F-15 as an air superiority fighter while the F-35 will be replacing the F-16 as a multirole fighter.

It's like comparing apples and pears. Similar but different. Also, why would an aircraft put into service ~30 years before be a better aircraft?
The F-22 replaces the F-15 as an air superiority fighter while the F-35 will be replacing the F-16 as a multirole fighter.

It's like comparing apples and pears. Similar but different. Also, why would an aircraft put into service ~30 years before be a better aircraft?
we are also going to be selling the f35 to our allies and if i remember correctly, there was a democrat that inserted a few lines into the bill for f22 that says we can never sell the f22 to anyone.

this has, as i am sure you can understand, pissed off Israel really bad. they were under the impression that they were going to be getting the f22.

there are many people that have called for false flag operations directed towards Israel in an attempt to get us to sell the f22 to them. interesting.

*edit- also, at $200,000,000.00 a pop, i dont think we should be building the f22 at all. with the rapid advances of UAV's, they will surpass the f22 in a few years tops and their cost is so much less.

however, what i dont know is the cost to operate a UAV.

**edit-edit... imo, we should be investing more money into the A10 and doing everything we can to modernize than plane as much as possible.
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Kurayami has been lurking

this should be bigger news

I bet he's upset there's only one thread about it instead of five
him getting a girlfriend is what made him quit TW
Him getting nexted with a phone call from faggle is what made him quit.

Also, Togos last post is the one in this thread, then nothing ... for someone who posts shitloads each day to just stop when this thread comes along?
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kura... if you are lurking, and you are reading this... i remember a few years ago you were talking about the PJ's. i have been trying to read as much as possible about them since special ops mission came out on the military ch and, well... as i am sure you know, its VERY limited. so, would you please IM me some reading material on them?

basically, im curious to know how many PJ's come from the Dboys, seals etc and then, how many of them move on to becoming SAD/SOG.

*edit- also, as i am sure you know, reading material on the CIA's SAD/SOG is so limited... if you have anything on them to link me to or books, please, by all means...
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And how is this any better than the F-16 exactly?

Are you stupid?

Lets say for a moment that none of us know anything about jet aircraft. We do know however, that electronic technology has been advancing rapidly since 1800 or so. We also know that the body of knowledge that is aerodynamics has continued to accumulate.

The production model F-16 was first flown in 1973, the F-22 in 1997. They have a quarter century of research and technology between them.

Assuming a person knows nothing about airplanes, they can infer this much after 5 seconds of thought. You couldn't do it.

The conclusion I'm finding inescapable, is that you must be stupid. Sorry dude, must suck.
If Kura returns for a week, you can perma ban me.

This is a bad neighborhood, but the street is safe and the house very safe and well lit. I want to fix the place up and rent it out and move back to my house in south orange county. No experience necessary. I know how to do everything. You can come with me. I need a person to help me with painting and cleaning and washing clothes and making food for us. I work every weekday. I am white middle aged really cool guy. I am gay but so not into gay sex.
I will take care of you and we'll go to every decent movie and not lie to each other. You can stay with me, or leave whenever you want, no drama

you: thin cool 18-22 or so, no smoking, straight or mostly celibate send pic, age and what city you're in now, and whatever else you care to share
me: older, big tall hairy masculine dad type
send pic and some info

outside dog OK

Didn't read it all the way. If this is a serious post I'll help you with cleaning/fixing up the place. I need some extra side cash. Im in HB, by the pier.

im fucking a retard.