Black Mirror

i watched black mirror when i was very sick, had a fever of 102.8 while taking ibu/motrin. prob spiking up high 104s.

yeah you know how fever dreams can get pretty wild? now imagine black mirror is on the background. welcome to one week of unknowing hell.

gr8 series tho. i loved charlie brooker's screenwipe and his yearly wipe series, saw he did black mirror and...was expecting something different but very happy with the series.

ps u fucks havent mentioned hated in the nation yet, my fave episode.
I feel like the quality dropped a little after the first two seasons, I guess an american channel just doesn't let you get away with as much egregious bleakness as a british one does. Mind you, seasons 3-4 still have some good eps, just not as consistently great as the first 2.
theres only like 3 episodes in each of the first 2 seasons

easier to concentrate quality.

that being said production values go up with bigger budget with bigger season. san junipero and the one with the soldier is only an OK black mirror episode on story alone but are great watches from an entertain standpoint through better visuals/acting.
btw Sense 8 is fucking amazing. You gotta give it a while. But holy shit. And they fucking cancelled it cuz of production costs. It is such a mindblow.
always alternate between Black Mirror, Monkey Dust and Moral Orel lest u get depressed, yo. it is known.