Do Any of You Faggots still game?

I need one Puerto Rican, a Black Mexican Jew, and a white asshole from Chicago? Can I get some love in PUBG?


pc only
someone at work was telling me about pubg and I tried watching it on youtube to understand

what is the mass appeal with the game? looks like any generic shooter/day-z clone
i dont know much about computers other then -- other then the one i got at my house

my mom put a couple games on there and i play it
I won't pc game for a bit while I get shit settled in my house but I play a lot of tablet stuff. Vainglory a ton and recently ffIX
i play pubg , i have a kdr of 0.25 and ive had a piece of chicken (whilst playing i ate KFC), so im pretty good (dont be intimidated).
I normally make it to top 50 and get a bunch of good gear( im great at finding weapons and other gear), i am also great at driving.