a thread for gangster gumby

middle-aged tiktok gangster teens on the 'cord playing LaVain like a fiddle

kinda gets weirder the deeper you go

peter "selfie" pan speaks the language of teens

sorry I don't tiktok or converse with many teens selfie but u do u guy

do adults in your circle speak like that?

ayoo that shit str8 bussin frfr


at what point do people stop trying to act like teens?

oh he's just trolling now?

oh ok

I guess a middle-aged so alone type would need to keep up with teen lingo to successfully troll the bars these days


y is this touching you so deep in the feels groov

so much effort to create drama

retirement isn't healthy
lemon, i just have to say, you've done a brilliant job of riling up the dockers, gg

7 pages of pure docker rage/bullshit, congrats
[6.15] What are your... 07-14-2022 14:13 KittyCat make sure the nurses ask you what year you are living in to check in on you i get worried sometimes you dont know where you are [same problem vanster has]