Epstein dead

It is being reported he was NOT on suicide watch. It had been removed at some point.

If true, there you have it, criminally incompetent.

How could this guy NOT be on suicide watch? Who approved removing him from suicide watch? Who requested he be removed from suicide watch?
Who fucking knows. Mossad, Trump, Clintons. This guy had so much dirt.
Maybe he did off himself. Hopefully the investigation continues and the girls don't get bumped off too.

epstein offed himself
every journalist here at tribalwar gaming news is a superstud mega billionaire who lives the logroller party post every day
massholes are "just like us"
u can b whatever u want 2b as long as u have the desire

The (((ghostwriters))) tell the best blackmail stories. Epstein was going to spoil the ending for us. Tomorrow I expect to hear the soothing sounds of crickets.
I cannot help but to think something BIG is going to happen. This Epstein story is too perfect and they will need some serious fodder to divert the attention away. I wouldn't be surprised if Iran or Syria does something really stupid.

Or, huge squirrels appear out of nowhere. HUGE squirrels.

Yeah.. The billionaire socialite with connections to prominent upper class family names... Just somehow ends up dead before a trial that would likely convict him of crimes that would affirm what was only thought to be conspiracy theory.... Yeah... Ok... I buy that..... Sure

This is the plot straight out of a Tom Clancy novel
It's perfect because it doesn't matter what ideology you follow.. this is a clear example of a corrupt system.

It is going to be a fun ride
Got to read this story: The Jeffrey Epstein Rabbit Hole Goes a Lot Deeper Than You Think

Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein "Belonged To Intelligence"
[wonder what intelligence agency he would work for...?]

Jeffrey Epstein and "Foreign Intelligence"

Nov 2003: FO suspected Maxwell was a Russian agent, papers reveal

Wikipedia says nothing about Epstein being Jewish so maybe it's just a weird name and he has no connection with being Jewish or Mossad...

In comes:
Leon Black, Wiki:

Leon Black kept Jeffrey Epstein as charity director after plea deal

I've made mention of this back during the Batman shooting but, there is a drug, Scopolamine, in Central/South America that will make the user or victim lose all their ability to reason and their free-will, and pretty much do whatever someone asked of them. Tourists are usually victims of this as the locals will blow it in their face and tell the victim to drain their bank account, and the person willingly does it.

The US pharma companies were made aware of this drug a long time ago and have apparently perfected it. 'Devil's Breath' Drug Scopolamine Used By NASA and CIA.

In the conspiracy world, this drug gets brought up a lot and newly incoming politicians or foreign agents - when they refuse to comply with the ruling elite - will be targeted and given this drug. They can then direct the victim to have sex with underaged kids, which they then film, and will be used against the politicians later when they decide to go against the grain.

I can't help but think that someone like Epstein (which has a very Jewish sounding name but Wikipedia isn't sure about) housed these underaged kids for this very thing.

Robert David Steele, My View: Jeffrey Epstein is a Mossad Clandestine Operations Officer
Well worth the read.
I remain of the view that Jeffrey Epstein is a Mossad clandestine operations officer, assisted by Mossad clandestine operations officer Ghislaine Maxwell, and that their mission is to do precisely what they have been doing: entrap US politicians, judges, celebrities, prosecutors, and corporate leaders with rigged “no name” hotels and the mult-cavern “Lolita Island” where anything goes and the Mossad gets it all on video — grown people doing bad things to small children.

My sources suggest that Vicky Ward has it wrong, Epstein is not a grifter that made it big on crime, that is a cover story. I believe he was given a billion dollar line of credit by a real Zionist billionaire, and has always been “on the job.”

Alert readers will recall that Ghislaine Maxwell is the daugher of Robert Maxwell, one of Israel’s most famous super-spies, and the man who single-handedly opened all doors for Israel’s promulgation of PROMIS, the first major “hack” of many Western governments by Israel, in the 1980’s, long before the Chinese and Russian cyber-incursions in the 1990’s.

I further believe that because Epstein has been “on the job” that both the CIA and the FBI have been associated with this “job” and sharing the take. It is more important to them to be able to blackmail as many people as possible to keep their budgets growing, than it is to stop traitors, pedophiles, and white collar criminals.

Jeffrey Epstein’s Alleged Madam is the Daughter of a Mossad Agent
Depending on your browser, ^this link might not work. It goes to Dailystormer and FF flags it as bad. lol. Follow link at your own... risk. :lol: But, it is well worth the read.