Best TRIBES 1 Moments

Pulling off the first succesful high-speed cap on a map is always rewarding.

Also, there was a time in DuelMOD not so long back... we both fly up at each other at the start... I MA the guy, the explosion blasts him a good bit higher than I am, I whip out my nade launcher and hit an MA nade on him. Flawless victory and I still have some spare jet energy... that was good for my ego.
just a few.

Joined my first tribe, and immediately got suspicious when practice is going to be for a strategy for Scarabrae..which was odd, because Scarabrae wasn't a map the ladder we were on played...

Left that tribe, and ended up, however briefly, on the coast Trash clan [cTc]. Someone didn't show up, so I got to play in a match. During the course of the match (was a CnH map) the doors on our base got damaged to being inoperational in the closed position. To open the door I lob a mortar at it. Mortar goes off, and I see that I've managed to TK my entire team in one shot (whoops :) ) needless to say we lost that map.

In a match (enDless versus Purity of Essence I believe (not to be confused with Pissed Off Ewoks) ) on Rain Dance, I grabbed the flag and am skiing home as fast as I can (which is hard because I constantly am having to shift the route to avoid the incoming disk and cg fire from my two chasers. As I approach our base, I see our HoF standing on the flag tower looking the other way. Over Roger Wilco (this is before Team Speak took over :) ) I just go "Hey..Deback..a little help?" To which I see Deback turn, see me, and lob a mortar. I immediately freak out as the mortar lands just in front of me, and I'm sure he's going to blast me to smithereens. Only, the mortar was perfectly timed and placed, it went off after I passed over it. I took no damage at all, and it obliterated my two chasers.

Last memorable moment was in a just for fun pick up game. Map was Snow Blind, I was capping again. I ski into the second floor opening of the base and see FOUR heavies (2 HoF, and 2 people just about to leave on a HO route) and two light armors (LDs getting back in position). I somehow managed to juke and weave around all six people, grab the flag, and get back out the door without being touched, and having caused two team kills. To this day I have no idea how that happened.
Hmmm, so many. How about being one of the first to play T1, being involved with Playspoon, Playing with the Moops and getting into the top 20 on OGL, shooting people out of the air with the rail gun many times, 'Scout' Flag Capping, being able to still play tribes 1 in 2004!!!
Getting one cap on raindance against 5150.

Low point.. Being sniped every single time I got within eye-sight of their base from that point on.
I Thank you guys for getting this thread going nicely keep it up guys! I love to read on whats ppl FAVORITE Moments in Tribe!
1.When AutoAim.cs came out, and everyone was like buggin till they found out it was a hoax.

2.Scout capping

3.When EndOfTheLine was fighting some guy mid map and tried tp ma him and wound up Ma'ing his teamate with the flag.

4.Cheaters Wayside :'(

5.First time playin with a VooDoo Glide ahhhh
midair in i had some energy left and the guy was running on the ground with nil health
i was playing starsiege:tribes 1 and i show this diskrauncher disk at a guy who was fllying and I hit him while he was flying in the air, it was crazy.