Bitcoin Surge

btw, i'd like to point out that since mark cubans tweat and my response to osiris that BTC has recovered and rebounded to $3 more than when Cuban's words caused a massive panic and crashed the market. SO in 4 hours BTC recovered and is trading above the point where Cuban tweeted.

clearly, i fixed it. you're welcome.
:lol: you retards think that retard had any impact on btc? It is literally just another day :lol:
Cuban just tryin to get a lower entry u know
more than that, Cuban just pointed out that even stupid rich people can be largely clueless.

What has this guy done since DirectTV and buying the Mavs? I mean, good on you Mr Cuban truly, but, really what about you gives me a reason to put stock in your opinion?

Seems to be a one hit wonder that managed to sell a soon to be dead business model at it's peak value to some other person. Cool, good job, why though are you the authority on anything outside the realm of running a NBA franchise?
Still got a few btc saved

So whats the deal with the surge? Koreans or Chinese storing their wealth with an unstable economy was something I heard somewhere? Also heard there was something to do with block size changes recently
i have very little expectation that a reasonable scaling solution will be activated any time soon. that's why i got out.
do the new or proposed changes include automatic plans to scale into the future? I should research this stuff. though a couple years back I decided to just leave what I had in btc alone until it was either worth zero or like rich guy money
I'm mining. Started last month. Bought $800 rig i put together. 2 rx 580s. Pulling down $8-10/d. $225-300/m just having my pc run like always. 4 month ROI. I don't know (m)any businesses you can open with that return.

Going to keep scaling up this year. Mining whatever is the most profitable. music coin SIA Ubiq Hush Eth zcash, just stacking them all.

Also a little surprised by the lack of knowledge or understanding in this thread with relation to the amount of computer nerds. This is the great redistribution of wealth. How can you not at least be aware?

And like someone else said, what's a guy like me to do in this global economy where everything (housing, stocks, metals: the "normal" gateways to wealth) is over valued and geared to keep out the small guy by design??
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Another thing, too late to invest in btc or eth unless you're just hoping to set it and forget it. Then maybe. You're not getting a 10-20x'er off Eth though. Not now. Eth only needs a double up to catch btc sooo...

If you REALLY wanna make money at this point, pick a coin that's not total shit (only after due diligence will you have ANY clue) buy in and see what happens. Would supplement with mining though. You could have a 7 gpu rig for ~$2000 pulling in $700/m.

Right now, i like hush. Rebranded zdash. They want to push anonymity. Development just taking off this month. Have a roadmap. About to release official windows wallet. Trying to get picked up by more exchanges. These are the things you look for. Biggest for me is it still has a market cap under $1mil with all this going for it. So many shit coins are well over $100 mil so i don't think 100x's my money is insane. Likely? Doubt it but i wouldn't think Doge coin would have a $400 mil market cap either
do the new or proposed changes include automatic plans to scale into the future? I should research this stuff. though a couple years back I decided to just leave what I had in btc alone until it was either worth zero or like rich guy money

segwit does not, it raises the block size to 2MB and leaves any further increase to future changes. Segwit is supported by Core and they're pissed that miners don't want it. So they're considering using a UASF (User Activated Soft Fork) to force it in August. A UASF is pretty much saying: we know this network is based on miner strength but fuck the miners, we're doing it anyway. They're publicly planning a sybil attack.

there are other proposals for immediate increases to 2MB, 4MB, 8MB...that also do not scale automatically.

BU (Emergent consensus) and BIP100 scale with usage. The code for BU to work is complicated and poorly tested. If Core embraced it, that would no longer be the case. But they won't.
personally I use them for person-to-person payments in preference to paypal. so, anytime you would use paypal, I just use bitcoin. Less fees, no problems with account getting frozen or banned (they banned mine during the ID theft thing). I don't have to give people my bank information to use bitcoin
just seems sort of weird that's all

I mean if amazon started taking bitcoins that would make sense

if you're using bitcoins it seems it is a rather hinky transaction
Too bad you didn't mine BTC. You'd be rich as fuck.

we started in mar/apr 2013... after that btc bubble up to i think ~200ish or so w mt gox.

By that time, asics started saturating the btc network, but you couldn't find any... the 2-3 mining companies that made them all sold out a few months prior and people were starting to receive their asics and flip them on... gpu mining was all but useless at that time for BTC, so we hopped onto the litecoin train and gpu mined ltc. when we first started really going in late may, we were getting ~120 ltc a day... as the network grew over 8-10 months, eventually our 128gpus went from 120 ltc a day to like 10 a day lol

i knew some dudes in russia and asia with mines 5x the size of ours pulling in 1000ltc a day... they would also write scripts to mine the most profitable coin and auto switch based on profitability, some real crazy shit...

at the end of the day it was just me (brains) and my friend i met in college (money guy), we had no clue what btc was and i just had limited hardware experience and we just went balls deep into it and learned along the way

was a fun project for sure... when the ltc bubble hit to ~45 our worth was around a million he he
Holy FUK dp are those toolboxes lmao

yea lol, each of the rigs looked like this, just imagine 3 more gpus


The idea w the toolboxes was to contain the heat and extract it out of the room as quickly as possible so we had an 8" vortex fan pulling heat from 3 toolb0xes and dumping it into the giant box, then giant box dumping outside... we had no active cold air, just passive, it worked for a while, but then the dead of arizona summer was too much so we had to change it up to that sealed box which worked pretty flawlessly

i dont get why you'd use bitcoin over a credit card for legal goods

1) fraud coverage (yes i know this is less likely with bitcoin but what if someone steals your wallet or whatever)
2) can dispute transactions if merchant screws up
3) 2-3% cash back

i realize a credit card is not a currency, but people are using bitcoin as a payment, not just as a currency. i guess a CC could use bitcoin behind it but i don't know if this exists?