[Release Thread] Overwatch

fuckin assholes keep leaving on second round in comp its fucking annoying

due to that my last season i finished in fucking 1050 like what the god damn fuck??

That completely sucks and I feel bad for you, by LOL. I can't imagine what it's like to play at that level. Once I get plat I may just troll to get there and see how those games go.
Sweet, a non-event legendary. People totally still care about those.

I'm currently in possession of 131 loot boxes that I haven't and probably will never open.

87 Stadnard Loot Boxes
20 Winter Loot Boxes
15 Uprising Loot Boxes
8 Anniversary Loot Boxes
1 Golden Loot Box
I don't find the changes to roadhog to be bad for me, I don't play him often but I was able to get a lot of picks with the faster firing and the extra shot. I play with the team and don't use him to solo flank though.
god dam that is LOW

ya its so fucked up oh here look

Junkrat is really good on the new map, I have 4 arcade games in a row on it with a people picking widow, mcree and hanzo. I know it was only arcade but the map is indoors and none of those people were any good.
people think widow is a good choice because there's a long line of sight to the first point. except she gets countered in an enclosed map by like, everyone, including mercy.
Don't play MErcy at 1050, you don't need a healer. Just play Roadhog or whoever you DPS with the most reliably and climb.

Once I get up to 2300 I just heal. Seriously, it's usually a bunch of kids and everyone wants to DPS and no one wants to heal. I don't mind if it pays off but annoying as hell.

Finally got plat for this season but it was rough. Twice I got within 20 points then had 8 losses in a row with teams who were anything but comparable.

What do you guys think about the new roadhog changes now? He's my main but I haven't played him much since the change.