[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

I can't wait for someone to grab the mic out of his hands and he starts reaching into his pockets...


he going to treat us like all our grandparents should have treated us

here is some money now go over there and shut up already

I'm busy trying to reverse mortgage our country to highest bidder

you will be given pennies on that dollar i earn

People be like how is Bloomberg who is the biggest NY POS to ever exist as a human being doing so well against Trump (possibly the #2 contender for that title)



even feminists be like


at least I'm not stormy daniels


not yet anyways.....give us a few more years (or less)

Is This Bloomberg with Jeffrey Epstein Associate Ghislaine Maxwell?

While conspiracy theorists may point to this picture and make vague claims attempting to connect Bloomberg to Epstein, the only thing we can really glean is that two public figures were once photographed together at a public event.


He went to Epstein Island for frequent flier points
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so very true

cumdumplins last post

other than gurgling sounds

was pretending he SUDDENLY NOW cared about debts and deficits again

after OWEBAMA years


i mean they know they can't make an honest argument

so might as well just stand in line whoring for dirty wads of money

stolen, tainted, or otherwise


that clown :lol: wtf ever

need to find all those posts of him defending the $10 TRILLION in spending despite the economy sucked ass

pay outs for failed green energy
obamacare website
union pay offs
corporate hand outs
pay to fill and empty potholes
increased welfare payments
loot for fast and furious
irs scandal
on and on it goes

taxpayer money for kickbacks to all their voters and this motherfucker talks about deficit spending... ahahahahahahahahahahaha

he went from the classic it's just money bro


fucking leftist scum :lol:

but we really do have the best government representation that other peoples stolen money can possibly purchase

and with Bloomberg we will prove that once and for all
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got to eject the democrats from congress before we can cancel spending


they couldn't even get rid of obamacare

always too many romney and mccain stain types

i can name only a couple of republicans that care at all about debt/deficits

at best they will gut funding from one shit hole pork project to pump it into another

at this point if we stop spending and monetizing the debt the economy resets

even the FEDERAL RESERVE now admits that openly

they say we will need QE if things get bad (like they already are in Asia last Quarter and Europe) but say nothing of the 500 Billion dollar a month in perpetual bond/stock buybacks we are already doing just to keep REPO rate explosion from consuming us all.

the debt and deficits are the economy

without that we can't repay what we already owe yet alone pretend to grow which is actually just future borrowing in disguise
i love how they went from it isn't happening

to well she deserves it

i mean those tweet replies are beyond insane

that is the typical leftist progression with white genocide/race replacement

-it isn't happening
-it isn't that bad
-ok it is happening but nothing you can do about it
-ok we make the rules now
-sorry but you got to die its your turn and you deserve it

and we are the bad guys the actual criminals for simply pointing it out

discussing where and when we reached each transition point as they occur

oh no, it's perfectly okay to mob a tiny woman because they don't like her opinions/race/politics.

doesn't surprise me a bit that ole trojanfag here thinks that it's a-okay, since his party did create the KKK, and mobbing black people like that was the norm not too long ago, so might as well continue that terrorist-like mob mentality on others they don't like or agree with.

and why would anyone be afraid of getting mobbed/lynched by people like the KKK/libtards, right? it's all good.