[Need Votes]Win me a free wedding[Please]

Kevin Maki
Jaelynn Ruckdashel
Engaged: 10/07/2008
Current Votes: 2480

cant fuck with

Brandan Iwaszko & Gabrielle Pastore
Engaged 12/24/08

Total Votes: 3105
I threw 6 votes your way, i'm not gonna post every time i vote, but i'll be voting every day. i'll post if i forget to vote though!

well, I'm having people do this to make this a defacto sticky :p and I can't just give you every day believing you did it. There are some on TW that would just say they did every day and at least I get a bump if they are lying. I'm pretty damn impressed with the community on this one though.
Its nice to come out swinging though :p

We are quite a bit ahead and TW accounts for 90% of the votes. We have a 170+ member facebook group that doesn't seem to be getting off to a fast start but I'll hold judgment on that until tonight. We also have both of our mothers FW:FW:FW:FW:FW: groups in on it and all of those old ladies seem really excited. Its strange getting e-mails from your mothers friends whom you have never met.