Ban Assault Axes

It was probably just a small cultural misunderstanding. After watching Gladiator, he wanted to show the Germans he can wield an axe also and to let him have his piece of the white women.
If everyone else on the train had an axe this never would have happened.

There has not yet been any word on whether or not the attack is linked to extremism of any kind, but Europe has been on major alert since a terrorist killed more than 80 people with a massive lorry in Nice last week.
haha wut
Mental case goes bersek on a train with a knife. Body count - one (aforementioned nutjob)

Same sort of mental case with access to guns in 'Murica in, for example, a cinema, bodybags in double figures on a good day.

Fuckwits have got me surrounded.
Ask yourself a question Pagy and other suitably qualified dipshits. How many of these massacres were there 30 years ago, and what has changed in the last 30 years that suddenly we have an epidemic.