Will Trump STFD and STFU when he's lost?

Man I was right on board with this until you made the claim Obama's presidency has been a dictatorship. This dude got so little done as president in 2 full terms. A dictator would have accomplished what he did within the first month.

fast and furious
ignoring and tacitly approving sactuary cities
shell game 'deportations'
legislating guns through executive action
war without congressional approval
irs targeting conservatives and the irs chief pleading the 5th while not being immediately fired
the hamstrung FBI investigation of Hillary's server

Aside from the Obamacare disaster, which was passed through lies, I'd say dictator fits him. He is as much a dictator as he can get away with.
Admins please lock or delete this thread. Clinton lost. This thread distracts from the MAGA thread where this stuff can all be consolidated. Thank you.