plastic bags must die.


Linux Tribes++
Veteran XV
Went down a new river yesterday with a friend, great river, lots of rapids, but damn... Most of the river was beautiful, but all over the place, like everywhere you looked, there were plastic shopping bags hanging in the trees from when there was high water during the last flood. Must've seen thousands of them over the couple hours we were on the river.

Made me think, damn, those are just the ones that happened to get stuck in the trees, I wonder how many make down the river to the ocean, must be many times that, and this is just one fairly small river.

I recycle my plastic grocery bags, but I know most people don't. Does anyone actually use cloth bags for grocery shopping? I don't, cause it seems like a pain in the ass, but after seeing this, I really think I should start. :(

ya I know this vid isn't just about bags...
How long until

1. Companies start making plastic bags that biodegrade/break down after 45 days
2. Seattle starts charging a 20c per bag tax at the checkout?
I'd rather kill the people that throw the plastic bags whereever the fuck they feel. Plastic bags don't have legs or brains to decide where they are going to end up.
As a bagger for Publix, yeah one store goes through a ton of plastic bags in one day. People place used bags in recycle bins which we later recycle, but it isnt really enough.

Just get the cloth, its the new thing.
As a bagger for Publix, yeah one store goes through a ton of plastic bags in one day. People place used bags in recycle bins which we later recycle, but it isnt really enough.

Just get the cloth, its the new thing.

what percent of people use cloth? I dont know if Ive ever seen anyone at the store use it, though I see they sell the bags there.


quoting Carlin "how do you know we are not here to produce plastic bags" the earth will survive regardless when we are long gone
meh, i just throw out plastic bags in the garbage becuase mostly I just dont care.

But thats really all the plastic I use, no bottled water or drinks really.

I would think bottles would be a lot worse with all the emos who refuse to drink tap water in America
I use the same cloth bags over and over, but I live in Canada. We're light-years ahead of the US in terms of environmental awareness and recycling.
Went down a new river yesterday with a friend, great river, lots of rapids, but damn... Most of the river was beautiful, but all over the place, like everywhere you looked, there were plastic shopping bags hanging in the trees from when there was high water during the last flood. Must've seen thousands of them over the couple hours we were on the river.

Made me think, damn, those are just the ones that happened to get stuck in the trees, I wonder how many make down the river to the ocean, must be many times that, and this is just one fairly small river.

I recycle my plastic grocery bags, but I know most people don't. Does anyone actually use cloth bags for grocery shopping? I don't, cause it seems like a pain in the ass, but after seeing this, I really think I should start. :(

ya I know this vid isn't just about bags...

If you drive to the store, you can put groceries straight into the trunk from the shopping cart and then get home. So really the only time you "need" bags would be to bring your groceries from your car into your house. If you have a driveway, then this would take you like one extra minute if you don't use any bags as opposed to using them. But if you really want bags, you could always use cloth bags like you said and you just leave them in your car and use it to carry from your car to your house.

So if you're using a car you basically can bypass bags completely (including cloth ones) pretty easily. If you don't use a car, just having a couple cloth bags is pretty easy (as well as sturdier than either paper/plastic).
All the grocery stores around me carry "green bags" now which are reuseable cloth bags and only cost a couple bucks. They actually work better and let you carry way more.

I see lots of people using them, it's a shame not everyone does tho. This is in Ontario if your wondering.
i read in the paper some kid devised a way to make plastic bags decompose much faster, meaning a few years, rather than over 100.