[star wars] The Last Fuckin Jedi [box of words] [$$billion$$]

pew pew pew disney generic fluff movie pew pew pew

i grew up on the OT and hold empire strikes back sacrosanct. yet i have no enthusiasm or desire to see this film. at all. idk

honestly, i'm expecting the movie to bad. i've avoided all trailers/discussion and really haven't given a shit about the movie for the entire year. but now that its a couple days away i can't really help but begin to feel hyped. it was just such a big part of me growing up i dont think theres anything i can do about it
the movie will be ok at best. I'm thinking the old 'n angry reverse-sjw outrage over this will be more entertaining than the movie itself. something about female leads really gets them fired up.
i've avoided all trailers for this one hoping that it will make up for all the inevitable shit i'll be bitter and overly critical about.
the movie will be ok at best. I'm thinking the old 'n angry reverse-sjw outrage over this will be more entertaining than the movie itself.

something about female leads really agitates them.
i loved rey, just not the forced, unbelievable, unlikable neanderthal they paired her with

I don't think there's any way to avoid the spoilers unless you complete unplug from the internet and TV. Yeah, Disney is going to make a ton of money, especially with the new Star Wars land opening at Hollywood Studios in a couple years.
I don't want to see this movie. My kids are 11 and 14 and couldn't give any less fucks. It's not available on 5 x 3 inch, in this day and age, anyone who still has a 2 hour attention span is extinct.
they have about 5min of screen time together...

then again maybe that's why it worked :lol:


aka angry old man political angst thread [#5964]

let me help you out with your request.


SJW's have ruined Star Wars, initially I thought Kathleen Kennedy's involvement in Star Wars would be an okay thing, she was the producer on some rather successful 80's movies like Raiders of the Lost ark and E.T. - at the very least we wouldn't be treated to CSPAN in space again.

I'd take another episode of CSPAN in space over the Disney brand of SJW cancer that has been injected into Star Wars.

Say hello to your new "heroes"


Vice Admiral Purple Hair


Moo shu Porkins


Token black guy who can't act - "I got lost on the way to the Roots remake set"


My face is so ugly they made me cover it up with a mask



Darth Dumbo


Mary Sue Jedi Knight Extraordinaire - "stop calling me mary sue!!"


Even R2-D2 is too white for Disney, say hello to NI-6R