[t3] The return of the LPC to Tribes

xpdnc said:
if heavies actually had the same advantage over a light that a tank has over a soldier, i can see removing skiing for them, but the fact remains that a md in t1 or a md/sl in t2 owned them

This is what i mean, and i don't know why they DON'Y frigging do it. The heavy should be heavy not some lil shit you can kill with a chain gun. hell that shit should bounce the fuck off with some cool graphic effect.

i don't think these faggits are going to do any justice for dynamix's name "praise be to dynamix" " ohhh how i miss you and your great PLAYABLE games, your storylines and your fight for humanity.

Thrax pffft
The problems with the T2 Havoc are multiple, but the BIG one, the one that makes it Shrike-meat is that the passengers have squat for firing arcs. If you're in the pylons, you really only have a clear field of fire directly out to the side, and you can forget about trying to fire out front or across the vehicle. The tailgunner has a good field of fire, but really only to the back and sides--if the TG fires forward, there's a great chance he's going to bean the vehicle instead of the enemy.

Solution for that is a different model for the Havoc--go look at the TAC2 Havoc. That thing is just plain cool, and the model is so well done that the pylon passengers can fire pretty much wherever they need to.

Here's a pic of the TAC2 LPC, for an idea of what I'm talking about. This pic is of the three-seater version of the Havoc, the Mayhem.

I do agree that the changes made in Classic certainly do help, although I also like the Havoc in V2, which has no contrails, is jammed, and has much tougher shields--almost makes up for the poor model.

Also, the other big problem with the Havoc in T2 is that loading it is so damn HARD. I've managed to train up my tribe-mates to buy and fully load two Havocs in the space of thirty seconds, but that took a lot of drilling and it's only good for an opening move on a match--if we're under fire, it's a lot harder. Remember how the T1 APCs were so easy to get into? You just nudged against it in the general area of the berth you wanted to occupy, and BAM, you were in. Totally unlike the 'dammit, I'm stuck on the model AGAIN!' crap the T2 Havoc pulls on you. (The TAC2 APC, FYI, fixes this one, too.)

There is one other problem with the vehicles, too, and it's a subtle but annoying one--your view and aim aren't gimballed. That is to say, moving the vehicle really yoinks your aim around, and when a Havoc is attacked by a Shrike, the pilot's got two options--dodge the fire and throw off his crew's aim, or hold relatively still and hope the crew can shoot down the Shrike before the Havoc gets blown out of the sky. Not much of a choice, if you ask me. I understand that moving the platform you're standing on will throw off your aim, but a little buffering of that movement would greatly help APC crews defend themselves.