News: T:V Box Art Finalized

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that seriosly looks like a steaming pile, some kind of bagain bin game
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uh that box sucks and i never criticize anything, but....seriously wtf

edit so im not an retard


I'll give a few suggestions

1) Box art with JULIA as the main focus, cmon shes sexy
2) Keep the white scheme/theme and all that jazz
3) Pick a better BACKGROUND shot with Julia in the foreground

there we go :)
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Box is pretty bland but hey, I'm buying it for the game not the box so ... :shrug:

Oh also, you cats forgot the TribalWar logo on the bottom of the box also. :look:

The problem I have with that artwork is it looks "low-budget game". You usually see painted covers on games that have poor in-game graphics. I've always been a fan of game boxes that set a mood, and that would look good and important if an entire wall was covered with them. The starcraft box comes to mind. People like to be drawn into the game....that's just my oppinion.

I do like the effect the artist was going for, though - to show that flying is a major part of the game and that the jetpacks aren't auxillary such at Duke 3D's jetpack, which is accomplished by the weapon killing the person mid-air. Still, the background looks sparse and boring, and the weapon effect looks downright wimpy. A flag on the back of the dead player, explosions in the background, a blur effect on something, and a punched out logo (bevelled on the box) would all help, I think. I really liked the design of the TV banner at Tribal Wars.

I guess we'll find out what people think after the first week of T:V's sales, though.
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Looks kind of sappy. I agree with the Julia suggestion, and also am a bit saddened that they even put smoke trails on the box art and not in the game (someone will have to explain why streamers appeal to the creators one day I guess).
[SHiN]AkumA said:
i like it enough

Yeah, I like the design and uniqueness of the cover a lot, but is it something I'd be interested in purchasing if I'd only heard a few things about the game in passing? Not really.

Who knows though - maybe it'll look sick sitting on a shelf all printed out in 300dpi n' stuff. It just looks a bit bland from the graphics posted, imho. I think even just a heavier drop shadow between the graphic and frame would give it that "pop".
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BTW sex sells. Just look at that DOA Extreme Beach Volleyball. If they know it has a female in it, prepubescent boys will flock to it.
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