Tribes : Ascend

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No kidding...he admitted he was a mediocre expecting him to do anything but run around and get killed is a bit much. I like how he said there was a "throwback" to Tribes by having jetpacks and skiing.

About the only thing..hahah.

Oh, and really, I think the reviewer is exactly who they're building T:A for....
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watching that guy is painful

just from reading a few things and watching a few videos there are alot of things I dont like about the game.
hahahaha if i saw that reviewer video and i worked at hirez i'd try to get it removed permanently from the intarwebs.
Well, to be is from an MMO site. I could tell as soon as he jumped down the elevator and was still staring at the wall for a second about where his FPS skills are.

He clearly stated he is not an FPS player, ease up eh? Funniest part to me was when he was in the Beowulf and the enemy capper started attacking him :lol: He was a lot less terrible than I expected.
Well, to be is from an MMO site. I could tell as soon as he jumped down the elevator and was still staring at the wall for a second about where his FPS skills are.


I also "rofl:'ed at that and a few other things. He was pretty honest about how much he sucked, and it didn't look like the people he was playing with were any better.
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