Happy 24th Birthday Trayvon Martin


Veteran XX
Don't start a fight you can't finish.

It's always weird to me that Trayvon and Michael Brown continue to be brought up.

Both cases were very decisively determined to be cases of black men attacking people.
But the black man is just a victim, don't you know?

Nothing is the black man's fault, it's just whitey keeping him down.
Zimmerman was a fucking toolbag though.

Yeah, he might have been innocent "technically" as far as the law was concerned, but he just made one dumb decision after another that just set the stage for the whole thing to happen in the first place.

His life is fucked now though... that's probably better justice than what would have been served if he had been put in prison.
why does ST keep saying Zimmerman's life is fucked

he's a D list celebrity who signs autographs for people like Hologram

he's living the Florida redneck dream
coombz you've proven yourself to be pretty stupid and out of touch on most things... but you know what? That's okay! There's no real rule that says that anyone has to really know anything, or has to be knowledgeable about stuff.

The problem is though... you keep running your jaws like you know what you're talking about. You really might want to look into stop doing that.