This required it's own thread. [obibun]

Give the kid a break. He came, tried to be cool and it didn't work out for him. He's offering content and entertainment. A little slack would be nice.
Obibun said:
Yeah, it's how most of the houses at my university are. Even though my university is widely known as the preppiest college in Canada, with students from some of the highest earning homes in the country, every single residence is a decrepit piece of shit. And that's what gives it the charm.


Queens is not the preppiest college in Canada. I'm not sure about you, but any high income kid I know is one of two things

a) smart because their parents taught them the value of money b) spoiled

It doesn't matter if it's a) or b), this results in the college home being someone decked out. Not welfare-esque as demonstrated in those photos.

ITT I learned obibun ruined his schtick 4 years ago.
also i agree that Queens is really not a preppy school

Concordia and Western is where all the richy kids i knew went

and that's coming from Forest Hill Collegiate, the richiest school in Toronto full of spoiled brats

and they're all still spoiled brats 15 years later
hi i fuck models and sleep on a couch that is enveloped in my own slop

you are all nerd virgins


and i need tribalwar to feel better about myself