post your munstompz


i believe this thread is needed.. any and all screenshots of mun getting his ass whooped place here :)

btw feel free to keep saying things like "yea i came in for half the map" or "my team suck chit" :boohoo:



and i have like 4 more but they were random names and im not 100% percent sure they were mun
pretty sure fedz is atleast 30 years old by now

how can a 30 yr old act this way 4 so long, it takes a lot of time to keep up this schtick. and the dude plays at like 9-10am some days, meaning zero life to attend to.

gonna need proof before i am convinced :D
I'm inclined to believe everyone saying it's Fedz but he acts/talks/plays exactly like Yap use to when he played.

Have you ever seen yap and fedz in the same server?

Yap disappeared and fedz reappeared

Fedz acted normal other than pming everyone for a bypass

He got banned and flipped his shit and started calling me str0ke and wanting me to 1v1 him on hk. Sound familiar?

Fedz disappears and catkillingowner aka mun appears. He calls me str0ke and has a Chicago ip.

Fedz> yap> fedz> catkillingowner> mun> whatever his last one was> flip
i kno ur bullshitting about reading charles stross books vandal the randal liar fag

so prove it by answering what are the animals that becaome the first ai in accelerando