fis caught you cheating crow who did u get the bypass from?


fis of all people isn't going to make up something like this

there clearly is a bypass going around

who gave u this or did u make it urself u pedophile scum
its when u pass the flag through an enemy and just by touching the other flag it caps therefore a "bypass"

randal the vandal has no idea what hes tlaking about
crow ain't a bypasser

he does know how to do shit bugs does but doesnt abuse it like bugs as he rams my asshole with seeker rockets

i still like bugs

but sometimes i want to know whats goin on upstairs u know?
Sometimes I have fun before a map starts by launching a cluster of seeker missiles. Most of them detonate harmlessly but sometimes an enemy dude is spawned off somewhere away from the others and gets nailed before the map starts. I am still working on this problem.

Sometimes at the end of a map - usually around the 20 second mark I have fun by launching a cluster of seeker missiles when the score isn't close and it won't change the winning team. I find that I whack many enemies and this does slightly increase my score when I don't want it to. I am still working on this problem.

Crow is just jealous and trying to emulate me. Since I am running a bypass so that I can run 1.1998 and still show up as yellow it is likely that Crow is also running a bypass so that he can show up as yellow. I want to show up as green but I don't. I am still working on this problem.

This post is written in a somewhat Dare-esque style but I don't want it to be perceived that way. I am still working on this problem.
Sometimes I have fun before a map starts by launching a cluster of seeker missiles. Most of them detonate harmlessly but sometimes an enemy dude is spawned off somewhere away from the others and gets nailed before the map starts. I am still working on this problem.

Sometimes at the end of a map - usually around the 20 second mark I have fun by launching a cluster of seeker missiles when the score isn't close and it won't change the winning team. I find that I whack many enemies and this does slightly increase my score when I don't want it to. I am still working on this problem.

Crow is just jealous and trying to emulate me. Since I am running a bypass so that I can run 1.1998 and still show up as yellow it is likely that Crow is also running a bypass so that he can show up as yellow. I want to show up as green but I don't. I am still working on this problem.

This post is written in a somewhat Dare-esque style but I don't want it to be perceived that way. I am still working on this problem.

if bugs makes his misile script able to target the flag carrier or just shoot rapidly i would like to see him chase on hbLT with invincibility for a whole map

i dont think any1 would cap

thats my tribese dream trightn ow