begging thread? begging thread =(

sent another 6000 tw bucks

if you need bus fare to gtfo out of florida let me know lol


Saint Lemon! You already helped me out so much man I appreciate it. Rn I'm just trying to hang in there until next week. Those TW bucks saved my ass this weekend thank you.
Actually could use the extra dongs rn been waiting 2 days on an old employer to send me 150 dgs :-| (is that the proper truncation of this currency?)
wtf is this shit, who the fuk is this normies P of S who is looting TW community pockets 2 finance his florida man fentanyl trafficking scheme?

where's MY money?
I need money 2 get women to sleep w/ me and end my incel status

u would know this if u were part of the tribalwar non political discussion forums community
I need money 2 get women to sleep w/ me and end my incel status

u would know this if u were part of the tribalwar non political discussion forums community if you're down with single moms and just trying to get it in. Don't talk about politics you'll be good to go. Also if she invites you over in the middle of the night or middle of the day she may or may not be married so stay sharp.
give me money, these Nissan Altima nurses assistant single moms demand my money 4 fresh tats on their thighs
bus ticket is gonna be covered :)sunny:) but i still need to cover food/shelter etc until Monday if any are feeling particularly generous tonight :)mecry::hurry:)