The Official Tucker on Twitter Thread

I'm glad he's not sucker anymore even if he hasn't released the j6 tapes for some reason

I guess we don't care about finding the scaffold commander these days
I'm glad he's not sucker anymore even if he hasn't released the j6 tapes for some reason

I guess we don't care about finding the scaffold commander these days

who cares we're getting the 17 Biden phone recordings any day now
I know that the Murdochs are evil unAmerican Globalist Fucks
I'm glad he's out of the hen house
im glad he's not sucker carlson anymore even if he is never gonna release all the j6 tapes for some reason

welcome back king
Seeing Tucker off FOX is winning
and exposing FOX as the Globalist UinParty unAmerican cheerleaders they are
You don't think that's winning?